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一、柑桔主要病虫 柑桔病虫种类繁多,但危害最严重的有红蜘蛛、锈壁虱、蚧壳虫、潜叶蛾、炭疽病和溃疡病。 柑桔红蜘蛛 又叫柑桔叶螨。是柑桔的主要害螨,发生普遍。危害叶片、枝条和果实,造成大量落叶,削弱树势,降低产量。一年发生10多代,3月中旬开始危害,4月、5月及9月、10月为危害高峰,秋季干旱大量 First, the main citrus Citrus pests and diseases of a wide range of pests, but the most harmful are spider mite, rust ticks scale insects, leaf moths, anthracnose and ulcer disease. Citrus red spider also known as citrus spider mites. Citrus is the main pest mite, occurs universally. Harm the leaves, branches and fruits, resulting in a large number of leaves, weaken the tree vigor, reduce production. Occurred in more than 10 generations a year, beginning in mid-March hazards, April, May and September, October as a dangerous peak, a large number of autumn drought
This paper completes the classification of(G,2)-arc-regular graphs of square-free order where G is an almost simple group.
本品为繖形科(Umbellitefae)植物白芷(Angelica Anomala Pall)的干燥主根供药用。本品产于本省吉水、遂川等地,每年出产约计一千担左右,山野自主,或药圃栽培。白芷为三年生
  目的:探索应用激光显微切割(Laser microdissection,LMD)技术获取小鼠发育不同时期牙胚特定部位组织的可行性。方法:快速取材,制作冰冻切片;再以莱卡LMD6000激光显微切割系
In this paper,we study n-Gorenstein projective modules over Frobenius extensions and n-Gorenstein projective dimensions over separable Frobenius extensions.Let
Let G be a non-complete graph such that its complement G- is r-partite.In this paper,properties of the graph G are studied,including the Cohen-Macaulay property