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近年来,由于经济社会的飞速发展,人们的思想观念发生了转变。对社会,当然也对中职生的价值观等产生了很大的影响。道德观的转变对中职生的思想政治教育带来了新挑战。针对中职生思想政治教育面临的问题展开了讨论,并提出了解决措施,对思想政治教育工作者予以共勉。 In recent years, due to the rapid economic and social development, people’s ideas have changed. To society, of course, also have a great impact on the values ​​of secondary vocational school students. The change of moral outlook brings new challenges to the ideological and political education of secondary vocational students. In view of the problems facing the secondary vocational school students’ ideological and political education, the paper discusses the problems that the secondary vocational school students face, and puts forward the solutions to them, which encourages the ideological and political education workers to encourage each other.
在哈佛,名家名师名教授随处可见,但现在唯一被人公认、称得上是“明星教授”者,无疑是政府系(Department of Government)的教授——迈克尔·桑德尔(Michael Sandel)。  在到哈佛之前,我就期盼着去旁听桑德尔教授最为人称道的“公正”(Justice)的本科生课程,但来后查询课程安排才很遗憾地发现,他本学期没有课。不久,我高兴地看到有预告说他将在2月初在法学院有讲座。对
Electron beam welding of in situ TiB2p reinforced aluminum composites was studied.The results show that no obvious pores or cracks is presented in the weld seam