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服饰文化的补偿中国古代政治家重视通过服装来构建一种有序的统治秩序。因此,服饰属于“礼治”的范畴,除了遮丑、保暖,更重要的是要通过严格服饰制度来实现“垂衣而治”。因此,每个朝代的更迭,一个民族对另一个民族的征服,一个重要的标志就是改服易冠。这种改服易冠比改旗易帜更艰难、更深刻、更尖锐,所谓“留发不留头”就充满着血腥味。在传统汉服几近绝迹的今天,鲍屯的“丝头系腰”等服饰让我们在中国传统服饰文化的大遗憾中获得了若干的小补偿。 Costume and cultural compensation Ancient Chinese politicians attach importance to the construction of clothing through an orderly rule of order. Therefore, the clothing belongs to the category of “Rituals”, in addition to hide the ugly, warmth, more importantly, through strict dress system to achieve “dressing rule ”. Therefore, the change of each dynasty, the conquest of one nation against another nation, an important symbol is to change clothes. This change of clothes easy to crown than the flag change is more difficult, more profound, more acute, the so-called “leaving no head ” is full of bloody smell. Nearly extinct in the traditional Chinese dress today, Bowen’s “silk head waist” and other costumes so that we in the traditional Chinese clothing culture regret won a few small compensation.
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经国务院2009年2月19日常务会议原则通过的《轻工业调整和振兴规划(》以下简称《规划》)于2009年3月27日发布。《规划》将作为当前和今后3年(2009 The “Light Industry Adj
鲤城区是泉州市中心城区、著名侨乡、国务院首批公布的24个历史文化名城之一。鲤城区历史悠久,文化积淀深厚,素有“温陵”、“刺桐城”、“海滨邹鲁”等美誉。 Licheng Dist
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罗老师 :行政强制执行和民事强制执行有什么区别 ,请您给予解释 ,谢谢!于都县读者谢忠平谢忠平读者 :行政、民事强制执行都是强制执行行为。行政强制执行是行政机关执法过程中
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