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《江苏省保护和促进华侨投资条例》(以下简称《条例》)5月1日起正式施行。实施日当天上午,省、南京市及所属各区侨办、侨联、致公党组织在南京新街口华侨广场举行了《条例》广场宣传活动,祝贺《条例》正式施行,省侨办副主任徐开信出席了当天上午的活动。工作人员面向侨界及社会各界群众介绍了《条例》出台的立法背景,介绍了条例的主要内容,并与侨界法律专业人士一起认真解答了前来咨询的侨界群众在工作、创业和生活中遇到的法律问题。 “Jiangsu Province, Protection and Promotion of Overseas Investment Regulations” (hereinafter referred to as “Ordinance”) May 1 come into effect. On the morning of the implementation day, the Provincial Office, the Overseas Chinese Office and the Zhigong Party held the propaganda activities of “Regulations” in the Plaza of Overseas Chinese in Xinjiekou, Nanjing, congratulating the official implementation of the “Regulations” and Xu Kai Xin, deputy director of the Provincial Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs Attended the day’s activities. The staff members introduced the legislative background of the “Regulations” promulgated by the overseas Chinese community and the masses in the community, introduced the main contents of the Regulations and conscientiously answered questions from the overseas Chinese community at work, business and life with legal professionals from overseas Chinese Legal problems encountered.
为阐述南非斑节对虾(Penaeus monodon)在工厂化养殖模式中肠道微生物的作用,本研究基于HE染色组织切片、高通量测序、Biolog ECO技术,探讨工厂化养殖模式中南非斑节对虾肠道
4月15日下午,新西兰前教育部长卡特先生(Christopher Carter)一行考察无锡市“中华文化海外交流基地”——惠山古镇。