Oocyte Pickup from Live Cows Through Laparoscopic Guided Aspiration

来源 :城市道桥与防洪 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youngpansy
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In this experiment, the bovine follicular oocytes were aspirated from the ovaries of Chinese Holsteins with laparoscope made in China. The results were as following: for identifying the suitable negative aspiration pressure, six different pressures (50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300mmHg)were tested. The aspiration pressure of 100mmHg was the best. Its oocyte recovery rate was 37. 2%, and G I , G Ⅱ oocyte rate was 89. 5%. The heifers were picked up by laparoscope once or twice a week. Each heifer was collected with 2. 4 oocytes once a week or 4. 4 oocytes twice a week.Its oocyte recovery rate was 48. 0% and the G Ⅰ ,G Ⅱ oocyte rate was 93. 5%. In addition, 1.9 oocytes were collected from each cow once a week or 5.4 oocytes from each cow twice a week. Its oocyte recovery rate was 51.7% and the G Ⅰ , G Ⅱ oocyte rate was 85. 1%. It showed that it was possible to pick up bovine oocyte twice a week. Two cows were picked up twice a week for several weeks(53 times). 268 follicles were aspirated(5.1 follicles per cow per time), and 141 oocytes were recovered(2.7 oocytes per cow per time). The oocyte recovery rate was 52.5%, and the G Ⅰ , G Ⅱ oocyte rate was 85. 1%. It was advisable to pick up oocytes twice a week continuously. Some cows in estrous cycles were superovulated with PMSG(500IU). Each of them could be recovered 2.3 follicles and 1.1 oocytes, the others were superovulated with FSH(0. 7mg) , each of them could be aspirated with 4.4 follicles and 2.3 oocytes. It was obvious that the effect of OPU(oocyte pick up) by superovulation with FSH was much better than that with PMSG. The best time for OPU with laparoscope was at the beginning of cows estrous cycles. At the first day of their estrus, each of them could be averagely aspirated with 8 follicles and 5.7 oocytes.
一、临床资料rn患者男性,44岁,伊尔-76飞行员,飞行时间8000 h.2004年10月疗养院疗养期间甲状腺超声检查发现右侧甲状腺1.6 cm×1.2 cm低回声,边界清楚,诊断“右侧甲状腺囊肿
一、病例资料患者,女性,47岁,于1个月前出现胸闷、气短、呼吸困难,活动后加重,伴头昏,休息后稍好转.4年前发现乙型肝炎表面抗原阳性,平时无纳差、厌油腻等症状,未予治疗.有月经过多引起的贫血史10年,2007年和2009年分别输血1次.入院查体:血压114/91 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa),端坐呼吸.贫血貌,皮肤巩膜轻度黄染.双肺呼吸音清,无干湿啰音.心界稍扩大,心率80次/
Five microsatellites, IDVGA-2, IDVGA-27, IDVGA-46, IDVGA-55 and TGLA-44,were analyzed for polymorphisms in beef cattle. The number of alleles and polymorphism i