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引子世间没有哪一条河,可以像黄河这样在自然与文化的双重层面上源远流长、纵横千古,世间又有哪一条河,可以像黄河这样水接天涯、雄浑不羁,以致在人与河的关系上,千百年来功过难以评说?黄河,九曲十八转,蜿蜿蜒蜒走出一个大大的“几”字,跨过了九个省份才入海。黄河的每一次转身,都救活了一方水土,黄河的每一次改道,也淹没无数繁荣与奢华……这是中国人与黄河的恩恩怨怨,一方水土,一方兴衰。一黄河号称天下母亲,却是走遍天下,无一处似兰州这样,与母亲的血脉肌肤难分难解。世世 There is no river in the world. As the Yellow River, it has a long history of both natural and cultural aspects. Throughout the world, there is another river that can connect to the horizon like the Yellow River and make it unruly, so that in the relationship between man and river For thousands of years, it has been difficult to comment on the merits of the work. The Yellow River, with its nine-eighteen turns, meandered its words and spreads across nine provinces before entering the sea. Every turn of the Yellow River has saved one side of the earth and water, and every change of the Yellow River has flooded countless prosperity and luxury ... This is the gratification of both Chinese and the Yellow River. A Yellow River is known as the world’s mother, but it is all over the world, like a Lanzhou like this, with the mother’s blood and skin difficult to tell. Worldly
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经过20多年的改革开放,人们对“权力”和“权利”的了解也逐步加深,但在理论和实践上如何把它们加以区别,防止权力滥用,一些人还不甚明白。 After more than 20 years of r
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