Acute exacerbation of autoimmune hepatitis induced by Twinrix

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aulanb
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We report on a 26-year-old man who presented with severe jaundice and elevated serum liver enzyme activities after having received a dose of Twinrix? In his past medical history, jaundice or abnormal liver function tests were never recorded. Following admission, an elevated immunoglobulin G level and antinuclear antibodies at a titer of 320 with a homogenous pattern were found. Histology of a liver biopsy showed marked bridging liver fibrosis and a chronic inflammation, compatible with autoimmune hepatitis. Treatment was started with budesonide and ursodeoxycholic acid, and led to complete normalization of the pathological liver function tests. We believe that Twinrix led to an acute exacerbation of an unrecognized autoimmune hepatitis in our patient. The pathogenesis remains to be clarified. It is tempting to speculate that inactivated hepatitis A virus and/or recombinant surface antigen of the hepatitis B virus -as seen in patients with chronic hepatitis C and unrecognized autoimmune hepatitis who were treated with interferon alpha-might have been responsible for disease exacerbation. We report on a 26-year-old man who presented with severe jaundice and elevated serum liver enzyme activities after having a dose of Twinrix ™ In his past medical history, jaundice or abnormal liver function tests were never recorded. Immunoglobulin G level and antinuclear antibodies at a titer of 320 with a homogenous pattern were found. Histology of a liver biopsy showed marked bridging liver fibrosis and a chronic inflammation, compatible with autoimmune hepatitis. Treatment was started with budesonide and ursodeoxycholic acid, and led to complete normalization of the pathological liver function tests. We believe that Twinrix led to an acute exacerbation of an unrecognized autoimmune hepatitis in our patient. The pathogenesis remains to be clarified. It is tempting to speculate that inactivated hepatitis A virus and / or recombinant surface antigen of the hepatitis B virus -as seen in patients with chronic hepatitis C and unrecognized autoimmune hepatitis who were treated with interferon alpha-might have been responsible for disease exacerbation.
<正> 通过对制度经济学这一领域的考察,人们可以清楚地看到制度主义者们所采用的方法是各不相同的。这些方法大体上可归结为下面三种:杂文法或时事法、论题法以及范式法。依据杂文法或时事法,制度经济学则被说成是一种完全不同的研究,以至于对它进行恰当的定义都是不可能的,将它融入某一广为接受的分析框架之中也是不可能的。在使用此方法时,制度主义者们只在一件事情上是一致的,那就是对正统或主流经济学的
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