
来源 :中国自然医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:titaige
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目的对比分析沈阳市城乡成年女性膳食结构及热能和各种营养素的摄入情况。方法分层随机抽取城乡成年女性,其中,城市85人(33~66岁),乡村79人(18~54岁)。采用询问法和称重法相结合的方法进行连续3 d的入户膳食调查,并用营养计算器计算每人每日热能和各种营养素的摄入量。结果①与中国居民平衡膳食宝塔建议值相比,城乡女性蔬菜、水产及奶类摄入量明显不足而油脂摄入量过多;乡村女性水果摄入量明显低于城市女性,且差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。②城乡女性热能的摄入量达到膳食营养素推荐摄入量(RNI)水平,但摄入的营养素中钙、硒、维生素A及维生素B1的摄入量均未达到RNI水平。城市女性钠的摄入量低于乡村女性,硒的摄入量高于乡村女性,且差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论沈阳市城乡成年女性膳食结构不尽合理,营养状况亦不容乐观,应进行改进。 Objective To compare and analyze the dietary composition, heat and nutrient intake of adult women in urban and rural areas of Shenyang City. Methods Stratified stratified extraction of adult women in urban and rural areas, of which 85 were urban residents (33 ~ 66 years old) and 79 were rural residents (18 ~ 54 years old). The interrogation method and the weighing method were used to carry out continuous 3-day home-based dietary surveys, and the nutrition calculator was used to calculate daily intake of heat energy and various nutrients per person. Results ① Compared with the recommended value of balanced diet pagoda of Chinese residents, the intake of vegetables, aquatic products and milk in urban and rural areas was obviously insufficient while the intake of fat was too much. The female fruit intake of rural women was obviously lower than that of urban women, and the difference was statistically significant Significance (P <0.05). (2) The intake of calories of urban and rural women reached the level of RNI, but intake of nutrients such as calcium, selenium, vitamin A and vitamin B1 did not reach the level of RNI. The intake of sodium in urban women was lower than that of rural women, and the intake of selenium was higher than that of rural women (P <0.05). Conclusion The dietary structure of adult women in urban and rural areas in Shenyang is not reasonable and their nutritional status is not optimistic. Therefore, they should be improved.
见到阿泰,你就见识了什么叫明明可以靠脸吃饭,却偏要靠才华。拥有一张帅气面孔的他,本可以走偶像路线,但到了赛场上,他一定是全场最冷面的杀手。  “队伍的中流砥柱”,“什么都能打”,“无敌的选手”。这是队友们对阿泰的评价,从中单到辅助无所不精,根据团队需求可以转战任何位置。若论全面能力,恐怕国服无出其右。  出生于1993年的阿泰对游戏堪称天赋异禀,在魔兽世界最火的那个年代,年仅十几岁的他就凌驾于一众
裕优132是广州市金粤生物科技有限公司用裕A与JY132配组育成的早、晚兼用籼型三系杂交稻。裕优132株叶形态好,产量高,在广东省2 a区试中平均单产7.36 t/hm2,比对照优优122增