Resplendent Queta 世界上最美的鸟:凤尾绿咬鹃

来源 :疯狂英语·初中版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bengkuia521
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  The resplendent quetzal is considered as one of the world’s most beautiful birds.It is well known for its colorful 1)plumage.Those beautiful birds live in the mountainous, tropical forests of Central America.They are considered specialized fruit-eaters, although they mix their diet with insects, frogs, lizards.
  The resplendent Quetzals usually lives alone when not breeding.But during mating season, resplendent quetzal pairs use their powerful beaks to hollow hole nests in rotted trees or stumps.Inside, they take turns incubating two or three eggs.The 2)incubation period lasts about 18 days, during which the male generally incubates the eggs during the day while the female incubates them at night.When the eggs hatch, both parents take care of the young, feeding them fruit, berries, insects, lizards, and small frogs.However, the female often neglects and even 3)abandons the young near the end of the rearing period, leaving it up to the male to continue caring for the offspring until they are ready to survive on their own.
  Young quetzals can fly at about three weeks of age, but males do not begin to grow their long tail plumes for three years.
  The resplendent quetzal is also known as guatemalan quetzals, and the birds are the symbol of that nation.Guatemala also trades in currency known as the “quetzal”.
  The Resplendent Quetzal is classed as near threatened on theIUCN Red List.They are sometimes 4)trapped for captivity or killed, but their primary threat is the disappearance of their tropical forest homes.
  take turns轮换;替换,轮流;更替;倒换
  is classed as被列为

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在夏日的夜晚,他会点亮灯盏  捕捉一只小小的萤火虫,放进瓶中  任它在灯罩之上舞动  仿若一点星光  看那男孩如何隐匿自己  他渴望看到它颤动的双翼  看他隐身柳下  与闪光嬉戏  你不认识我(你不认识我)  我亦不识你(我亦不识你)  重又夏日  哦,那点点萤火在飞舞  点缀着路易斯安那  大海里游鱼满溢  我发誓一定要亲手捉住一尾  让它为我跃动在煎锅里  你不认识我(你不认识我)  我亦不识
1.Look. Useful English  Can I have the bill, please?  Can I pay by card?  Did you have a good day?  Did you enjoy your stay? 2.Read these conversations and match them to the pictures inactivity 1.  1)