Analysis on Jane Eyre's Masculine and Feminine Characteristics from the Perspective of Androgyn

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Jane Eyre is one of the famous and typical works of Charlotte Bronte in the 19 thcentury. The main heroin Jane Eyre is so popular and beloved by millions of readers due to her charming personality. Many studies have been focused on analysis of Jane Eyre’s characters especially rebellious ones but few on androgyny. So this paper will analyze masculine and feminine Characteristics of Jane Eyre from the perspective of androgyny. It aims at inspiring youth to establish a complete personality through combining bisexual characters. Jane Eyre is one of the famous and typical works of Charlotte Bronte in the 19 thuryury. The main heroin Jane Eyre is so popular and beloved by millions of readers due to her charming personality. Many studies have been focused on analysis of Jane Eyre’s characters especially rebellious ones but few on androgyny. So this paper will analyze masculine and feminine Characteristics of Jane Eyre from the perspective of androgyny. It aims at inspiring youth to establish a complete personality through combining bisexual characters.
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【摘 要】作者根据多年来专业从事地方工程建设标准化工作的实践和经验中认识到,自己所从事的标准化工作对地方工程建设具有无庸置疑的重要性。工程建设标准化工作是在建设领域有效实行科学管理、强化政府宏观调控的基础和手段,对规范建设市场行为、确保建设工程质量和安全、促进建设工程技术进步、提高建设工程经济效益、社会效益和环境效益等都具有重要的意义,工程建设标准化工作是实现国民经济与社会可持续发展的重要基础性工