Swarming behavior of multi-agent systems

来源 :Journal of Control Theory and Applications | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaoliping1984
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We consider an anisotropic swarm model with an attraction/repulsion function and study its aggregation properties. It is shown that the swarm members will aggregate and eventually form a cohesive cluster of finite size around the swarm center in a finite time. Moreover, we extend our results to more general attraction/repulsion functions. Numerical simulations demonstrate that all agents will eventually enter into and remain in a bounded region around the swarm center which may exhibit complex spiral motion due to asymmetry of the coupling structure. The model in this paper is more general than isotropic swarms and our results provide further insight into the effect of the interaction pattern on individual motion in a swarm system. We consider an anisotropic swarm model with an attraction / repulsion function and study its aggregation properties. It is shown that the swarm members will aggregate and eventually form a cohesive cluster of finite size around the swarm center in a finite time. Moreover, we extend our results to more general attraction / repulsion functions. Numerical simulations demonstrates that all agents will ultimately enter into and remain in a bounded region around the swarm center which may exhibit complex spiral motion due to asymmetry of the coupling structure. The model in this paper is more general than isotropic swarms and our results provide further insight into the effect of the interaction pattern on individual motion in a swarm system.
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