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1 前言电视作为当今世界最强大的传播媒介,其信息量之多、覆盖面之广、影响之大是其它任何宣传媒介所无法比拟的,而作为电视台节目播出质量的好坏,直接影响着电视台的声誉,影响着电视宣传效果和观众的收 1 Preface As the most powerful media in the world today, television has so much information and coverage that its influence is unmatched by any other media. As the quality of television programs broadcast directly influences the quality of television programs, The reputation of television stations affects the effectiveness of television and the reception of the audience
Because of its unique long range disordered structure and numerous free volume,amorphous alloy is considered to be able to accommodate the damage caused by ion
采用TC600氧氮联合测定仪测定钢屑状试样中氮含量,通过进行自动和手动分析方式的对比试验,证明该分析方法准确度、精密度高,能满足生产要求。 The content of nitrogen in t
我今年70岁,患拉肚病五十年。我上中学时患了这个病,刚开始比较轻,拉的次数少,后来逐渐加重,最多时一天大便十二三次,每天晚上起来三四 I am 70 years old and suffer from
由安利金四维公司举办的 ELSET LIVE 虚拟演播室系统巡回展于7月8~9日及7月13~14日分别在北京和广州举行,这是 Accom 公司的新近产品 ELSET LIVE 虚拟演播室系统首次与大陆视
  There are rich wind,hydro,coal and other energy resources in Northwest China,which is also the most important wind power,hydropower and coal bases in China.
  Korean government announced an offshore wind power road map and the 2.5 GW offshore wind power development plan in 2011.Also,recently the government announc