
来源 :福建林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangchengwang0
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一、转色规律脱袋排场后的菌筒,由于全面接触空气、光照和露地湿度及适宜温度,菌筒内营养成分变化等因素的影响,便从营养生长转入生殖生长。菌筒表面逐渐长出一层浓白色绒毛状的菌丝,接着倒伏形成一层薄薄的菌膜;同时开始分泌色素、吐出黄水珠。菌筒开头由白色,略转为粉红色,逐步变成棕褐色,最后形成一层颇似树皮状的菌被,这就是所说的转色,“人造树皮”的形成。 First, the rule color change bag after pitting market bacteria tube, due to full exposure to air, light and humidity and temperature, the changes in the fungus tube nutrients and other factors, from vegetative growth into reproductive growth. Gradually grow a layer of fungus cylinder thick white fluffy mycelium, and then lodging to form a thin layer of bacteria; at the same time began to secrete pigment, spit yellow beads. Cylinder beginning from the white, slightly turned pink, and gradually turned into brown, and finally form a layer of bark like bacteria, which is called the color, “bark” formation.
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为了探求柑桔贮藏期新的防腐保鲜剂,作者于1987~1988年引进培福朗(Befran)和开拿白(Kenopel)两种新型杀菌剂,进行了抑菌测定和贮藏效果试验,现简报如下。 试材与方法 一、试验
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