一对好主官 携手兴武装——记湖南省宜章县人武部军政主官

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近几年来,湖南省宜章县人武部工作搞得红红火火,一年一个新气象,一年迈上一个新台阶。3年时间为武装部从国防部、省、市、县四级党、政、军机关领回奖状和奖旗13面(个)。这一面面奖旗奖状,无不凝聚着该部全体官兵的心血,更与该部荣获“一对好搭档”的军政主官团结拼搏、携手共创辉煌分不开。 部长周平从军20多年,从机关下到基层,是军事院校的毕业生,见识广。政委刘志普一直在武装部门工作,担任过排长、连长、军事科长,抓武装业务精通。俩人从1996年初开始“搭档”,虽然任职经历不同,志趣爱好各异,但一心把武装工作搞上去的目标是一致的。他俩谁也不争个人得失,不论什么事,都要相互谈心、交流,互相协商,不搞个人说了算。 In recent years, Yizhang County, Hunan Province People’s Armed Police Department has made a booming job, a new atmosphere a year, a year to a new level. Three years for the Ministry of armed forces from the Ministry of Defense, provincial, municipal and county party, government and military authorities to collect certificates and awards 13 (a). This award certificate, all without exception, unite the efforts of all the officers and soldiers of the Ministry, but also with the Ministry won the “good partner” of the military and government officials united struggle, to join hands in creating brilliant is inseparable. Minister Zhou Ping army more than 20 years, from the agency down to the grassroots level, is a graduate of military academies, knowledgeable. Political Commissar Liu Zhi Pu has been working in the armed forces, served as platoon leader, commander, military chief, grasping the armed operations proficient. Since the beginning of 1996, the two have started to work as “partners”. Although they have different career backgrounds and different hobbies and interests, they all have the same goal of pursuing armed work. No matter who they strive for personal gains and losses, no matter what, we must talk to each other, exchange, mutual consultation, do not engage in personal calculations.
苏×,男,29天龄,1983年1月9日(生后29天)晚,患儿颤抖,T39.8℃,给予索密痛1/6片,次晨热退,第三天晚再次高热达40℃,血检薄片发现大量间日疟原虫无性体,给氯喹1片分3 Su ×,
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1973年Bishop等用电镜检查胃肠炎患儿十二指肠粘膜的活检组织,在上皮细胞内发现大量病毒颗粒。同年Flewett等用电镜检查患儿粪便,也发现同样形态的病毒颗粒, In 1973, Bish
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