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编辑同志:我的女儿4岁了,每每吃饭,少则3刻钟,多则1小时甚至更长的时间。如此“马拉松”式的进食,我不能客忍。脑火、打手心、罚站等都用上了,但无济于事。我们该怎么办才能解决问题呢?天津王元王元同志:诱发、促进、保护孩子的食欲,是解决孩子不好好吃饭的好办法,请家长不妨试试以下方法。一、保持愉快的进餐情绪在轻松愉快的情绪下进食,能提高大脑皮层摄食中枢的兴奋性,使胃肠消化液分泌增多、蠕动增强,从而产生旺盛的食欲。家长不要为吃饭给孩子心理上增加压力,对孩子的吃多吃少都应坦然处之,不要当 Editor’s Comrade: My daughter is 4 years old, often eat, at least 3 minutes, more than 1 hour or more. So “marathon ” type of food, I can not tolerate. Brain fire, hit the palm of your hand, penalty stations, etc. are used, but useless. What should we do to solve the problem? Tianjin Wang Yuan Wang Yuan Comrades: induce, promote and protect children’s appetite, is to solve the child is not a good way to eat, please parents may wish to try the following methods. First, to maintain a pleasant mood meal Eating in a relaxed and happy mood, can improve the excitability of the cerebral cortex feeding center, so that increased secretion of gastrointestinal digestive juice, increased peristalsis, resulting in strong appetite. Parents do not give children psychologically increased pressure to eat, children eat less should be calm, do not be
我们还刊发了何裕先生为《清·朱克敏墨迹》所撰写的前言,由此可了解朱克敏其人其书的大体情况。 We have also published a preface written by Mr. He Yu for “Ink of Qi
有些青少年以至成人出现的不健全心理状态,往往开始于学龄前期。因此,早期保护和促进儿童身心健康,有着重要意义。为此,我们调查了某城矿两所 Some adolescents and adults