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所谓“会玩”,是指作为一校之长必须具备参加教职工业余娱乐活动的本领,并且乐意参加这种娱乐活动。认为不应该玩,甚至反对别人开展娱乐活动,持这种观点的校长是混淆了“会玩”与“只知道玩”、“严重地影响了工作和学习的玩”这两者之间的界限,以为只要玩,就必然影响工作和学习,其实这是一种错误的观点,一校之长自己不会玩,还要反对别人正当的玩,这无论如何都不是个优点,而只能是个缺点。有一个小故事,颇耐人寻味。据说文革后期,党中央请杨成武同志出任中国人民解放军参谋总长。由于成武同志在文革中受到了冲击,不肯就任,后经多次做工作也未通。毛泽东同志知道这一情况后,便邀杨来住处下象棋。开局是毛先走,第一招“仙人指路”,杨架“当门炮”;毛又一招“仙人指路”;杨炮 The so-called “will play” refers to the length of a school must have the ability to participate in teaching staff leisure activities, and are happy to participate in such entertainment. Think that should not play, or even opposed to others entertainment activities, principals holding this view is to confuse the “play” and “only know that play”, “severely affected the work and learning to play,” the line between the two limits , Thinking that as long as playing, it inevitably affects work and study. In fact, this is a wrong viewpoint. When a school leader himself does not play, he or she opposes other people’s legitimate play, which in any case is not an advantage but a mere Disadvantages. There is a little story, quite intriguing. It is said that during the late Cultural Revolution, the Party Central Committee requested Comrade Yang Chengwu to serve as the chief of staff of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army. As Comrade Cheng Wu had been hit during the Cultural Revolution, he refused to take office and did not pass many times after his work. After learning of this situation, Comrade Mao Zedong invited Yang to live in chess. Mao started the first move, the first move “fairy guide”, Yang frame “when the gun”; Mao another trick “immortal pointing”; Yang gun
谢工: 三年前得您指教,救活了一株多年种养的四季桂花,真感谢您了。现又有一个问题,烦您指教。五年前,从北京带回一株君子兰,现在叶子长了一批又一批,就是不开花,我想是否君
测定镉的方法很多,目前最常用的是原子吸收法,它具有灵敏度高、特异性强和准确性好的特点,而无焰原子吸收法又能适用于总量只有几 Determination of cadmium many ways, th