
来源 :中国保健营养 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xpzcz1987
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目的:分析急性弛缓性麻痹(AFP)病例资料,掌握其流行特点,为继续维持无脊髓灰质炎(脊灰)状态提供依据。方法:采用描述性流行病学分析方法对AFP病例进行分析。结果:玉林市2014年共报告24例AFP,均为非脊灰病例。发病以5岁以下儿童为主,男女比例差距较小,发病率为1.59/10万,监测指标均达国家要求。结论:各项监测指标均维持较高水平,需加强技术培训和常规免疫工作,建立异地病例通报制度和不合格标本病例临床资料收集责任制,提高监测系统敏感性、及时性和准确性。 OBJECTIVE: To analyze the data of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) and master the epidemiological features of the disease, so as to provide the basis for maintaining poliomyelitis-free (polio) status. Methods: Descriptive epidemiological analysis of AFP cases were analyzed. Results: A total of 24 AFP cases were reported in Yulin in 2014, all of which were non-polio cases. The incidence of children under 5 years of age, the smaller the gap between men and women, the incidence rate of 1.59 / 10 million, monitoring indicators have reached the national requirements. Conclusion: All monitoring indicators are maintained at a high level. Technical training and routine immunization activities need to be strengthened. A system for reporting cases in different places and responsibility system for clinical data collection of cases of substandard specimens should be established so as to improve the sensitivity, timeliness and accuracy of the monitoring system.
Background:The shortage of available organs for transplantation is the major obstacle hindering the application of regenerative medicine,and has also become the
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Background:In network biology researchers generate biomolecular networks with candidate genes or proteins experimentally-derived from high-throughput data and k
本文分析了网络涉农信息在西部农村地区接收模式。 互联网现在主要还是为城市人群服务,跟农业、农村、农民关联甚少,农村网民仅占我国网民总数的17.4%,这一数字在西部农村