来源 :Journal of Electronics(China) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a370298894
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This paper presents a novel electronic tuner with high power handling capability utilizing varactors based on the asymmetric bilateral coupled microstrip transmission line. Through varying the bias voltage of the varactor at the Ultra High Frequency (UHF) band, the performance of the tuner is demonstrated according to simulated and measured results from several cases with the return loss (S11 ) below -20 dB and the insertion loss (S21 ) within ±0.5 dB. Compared with tuners using p and t network, electronic tuner of this paper shows superior frequency agility as well as wide impendence coverage. Advanced biasing structure has been developed to improve power handling for high power level applications. It is expected that the novel tuner would be part of intelligent Radio Frequency (RF) front-ends system and cognitive wireless system in the future. This paper presents a novel electronic tuner with high power handling capability utilizing varactors based on the varactor at the Ultra High Frequency (UHF) band, the performance of the tuner is demonstrated according To compare with tuners using p and t network, electronic tuner of this paper shows superior frequency agility as It is expected that the novel tuner would be part of an intelligent radio frequency (RF) front-ends system and cognitive wireless system in the future. .
肝脏是人体的化工厂,因为肝脏能针人体摄入的食物进行分解、合成、加工、解毒.功能一旦失调就会发生疾病.rn1 药物性肝损害的分类 rn1.1急性药物性肝病 肝功能异常持续时间不
应激性溃疡又称急性胃粘膜病变(AGML),在各种应激状态下导致胃和十二指肠粘膜糜烂,溃疡及出血.我们观察了泰胃美注射液治疗应激性溃疡出血的疗效,报道如下.rn1 资料与方法 rn
本院国富镇中心卫生院于2004年开始临床应用,左氧氟沙星,治疗涂阴肺结核病人52例,疗效较为满意,现将近期疗效分析如下: rn1 涂阴肺结核病人的特点 rn通过对52例除阴肺结核病
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