Gas-phase and particle-phase PCDD/F congener distributions in the flue gas from an iron ore sinterin

来源 :Journal of Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rwuinthe3924
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The activated carbon injection-circulating fluidized bed(ACI-CFB)-bag filter coupling technique was studied in an iron ore sintering plant. For comparison, the removal efficiencies under the conditions without or with ACI technology were both evaluated. It was found that the polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofuran(PCDD/F) removal efficiency for total international toxic equivalence quantity(I-TEQ) concentration was improved from 91.61% to 97.36% when ACI was employed, revealing that ACI was very conducive to further controlling the PCDD/F emissions. Detailed congener distributions of PCDD/Fs in the gas-phase and particle-phase of the Inlet and Outlet samples were determined. Additionally, the PCDD/F distribution for the Fly ash-with ACI sample of was also studied. The activated carbon injection-circulating fluidized bed (ACI-CFB) -bag filter coupling technique was studied in an iron ore sintering plant. For comparison, the removal efficiencies under the conditions without or with ACI technology were both evaluated. It was found that the polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofuran (PCDD / F) removal efficiency for total international toxic equivalence quantity (I-TEQ) concentration was improved from 91.61% to 97.36% when ACI was employed, revealing that ACI was very conducive to further controlling the PCDD / F emissions. Detailed congener distributions of PCDD / Fs in the gas-phase and particle-phase of the Inlet and Outlet samples were determined. Additionally, the PCDD / F distribution for the Fly ash-with ACI sample of was also studied.
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