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我叫王超,今年二十四岁,现任长春市绿园区合心镇科技助理改革开放后,在党的富民政策指引下,我国农村发生了翻天覆地的变化,我家的生活也逐年富裕起来、在学校里,我从理论上进一步了解了共产党,无数共产党员的光辉形象教育、鼓舞着我,使我产生了向往进步、追求共产党的愿望。 一九九九年毕业后,我被分配到合心镇水利林业站工作,负责我镇工业小区及镇内居民生活用水、收缴水费、供水系统设备的管理与维修等工作刚接手工作时,没人指导,只能自己一点点地探索,边学习边操作。每天早上六点就来到机旁观察机器运转 My name is Wang Chao, and I am 24 years old now. After the reform and opening up of the science and technology assistant of Xinxin Town, Lvyuan District, Changchun, under the guidance of the party’s policy of enriching the people, the countryside in our country has undergone tremendous changes. The life of my family has also been enriched year by year. In school, I further learned theoretically about the glorious image education of the Communist Party and innumerable communists and encouraged me to make me aspire to progress and pursue the communist party. After graduating in 1999, I was assigned to the work of Hexin Town Water Conservancy Forestry Station, where I was responsible for the water for domestic use in our industrial district and the residents in the town, the collection of water fee, the management and maintenance of water supply system equipment, etc. When I just took over the work, No one guidance, only a little bit of their own exploration, while learning to operate. Come to the machine every morning at 6 o’clock to observe the machine running
在全球竞争和互联网时代,中高端专能人才已成为各个企业竞相争夺的稀缺资源。对于 IT高科技公司而言,由于 IT技术更新发展迅速,人员流动性相对较大,企业的发展更加依赖于合适人力
摘要:本文结合沪昆客专长昆湖南段袁家冲隧道工程实例,具体介绍铁路双线隧道临近既有线施工工艺和施工控制,为临近既有线隧道施工提供了很好的借鉴。   关键词:铁路隧道 临近既有线偏压 软弱围岩 施工控制  Abstract: combining with the shanghai-kunming guest feat for hunan YuanGuChong tunnel engineering e
摘要:通过对目前A油田污水处理站回收水池含油污水不同回收工艺研究对比,提出了适应污水回收的优化工艺流程。  关键词:回收水池;离心泵;潜污泵;螺杆泵  Abstract: based on current A ChuLiZhan oil field water recycling pool oily wastewater recycling process research different c