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2012年春天,北京市委、市政府启动实施了百万亩平原造林工程,作为改善首都环境、治理城市病,推进首都生态文明和国际一流和谐宜居之都建设的重大举措。经过全市人民三年的共同努力,到目前已完成工程主体95万亩,新增万亩以上片林23处、休闲游憩绿色空间600多处,取得了显著的生态、经济和社会效益。我们从这些档案图片中选取了多组工程实施前后的对比照片进行展览,以便于全社会更多的了解、更好的参与首都生态环境建设,保护好来之不易的建设成果,从我做起,从现在做起,为使北京的天更 In the spring of 2012, the municipal government of Beijing Municipality and the municipal government started the implementation of a million mu of plain afforestation project as a major measure to improve the capital environment, cure urban diseases, promote the ecological civilization of the capital and build a world-class harmonious and livable capital. Through the concerted efforts of the people of the city over the past three years, up to now, 95 million mu of the project has been completed, 23 new forests of more than 10,000 mu have been added, and more than 600 leisure and recreational green spaces have been established. Significant ecological, economic and social benefits have been achieved. We selected a number of comparative photos of these groups of projects before and after the implementation of the project for exhibitions so as to facilitate a better understanding of the whole society and better participation in the construction of the ecological environment of the capital so as to protect the hard-won achievements in construction and to start from me , From now on, in order to make Beijing more heaven
江西贵溪化肥厂施大壮牌磷酸二按600吨近日出口到印度尼西亚。这是该厂磷铵首次销往印尼,也是贵化在东南亚开拓的又一个市场。 Jiangxi Guixi Chemical Fertilizer Plant Sh
厅系统厉行节约、制止奢侈浪费,深入开展反腐败斗争动员大会六月十五日在临潼培训中心召开。厅系统处以上干部共二百多人参加了会议。 厅长彭谦同志在会上作了重要讲话。他
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延河自古以来喃育了延安儿女。经受了革命战争洗礼的艰难岁月,延河和宝塔成为 Yan River has aroused Yan’an children since ancient times. After years of hardship, th
现在外部环境与内部条件都为水利行业开拓国际市场提供了良好的机遇。关键在于我们自己要练好“内功”,抓住机遇,积极努力去开拓市场。 天津水利水电勘测设计研究院是水利部