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自上个世纪80年代万荣县城关变电站出现地裂缝,其形成原因一直存在较大的争议。通过实际调查,变电站地裂缝的发展与场地浸水有直接关系。地裂缝对城关变电站的破坏主要表现为墙体和地面出现拱翘、开裂和水平错动变形。利用探槽、探井揭示地表浅层地裂缝的发育状况,总结了地裂缝的特征,结合场地土层的自重湿陷性,分析了变电站内出现墙体和地面破坏的原因,探讨了万荣城关变电站地裂缝的成因机制。 Since the last century, 80 Wanrun County Chengguan substations appear ground fissures, the formation of reasons there has been more controversial. Through the actual investigation, the development of substation ground fissures is directly related to site flooding. The damage caused by ground fissure to Chengguan substation is mainly caused by arching, cracking and horizontal dislocation on the wall and the ground. The use of trenches and exploration wells to reveal the development of shallow ground fissures, summarized the characteristics of ground fissures, combined with the self-weight of the site soil collapses, analysis of the reasons for substandard wall and surface damage, discusses Wanrong Chengguan Causes of Ground Cracks in Substation.
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By means of surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT), the grain size with a diameter of about 60nm formed at about 50μm depth and numerous mechanical twin
1.左边的田鼠对中间的说:“老大,我把咱们的领地又翻了一遍,啥也没有,就剩一个干苞米粒子,还让旁边那小子抢先吃了……” 1. The left side of the voles in the middle sai
移动版AMD Sempron或者AMD64 3200+最高到AMD64 3500+处理器、ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M芯片组HP推出了采用AMD64构架的Pavilion ZV6000系列笔记本,作为对应ZV5000和ZE5000的这
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