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目的分析血培养真菌阳性结果患者感染的性质,提高抗真菌治疗水平,减少抗真菌药物的不良反应。方法利用医院感染实时监控软件跟踪全院血培养结果为真菌阳性的患者,制订个体化给药方案,对真菌血症患者进行抗真菌药物治疗。结果培养结果:2013年某医院血培养真菌阳性130次(55人),占全部血培养阳性结果的5.12%。感染菌种为:白假丝酵母菌71次,近平滑假丝酵母菌及光滑假丝酵母菌各25次,其他共9株(无名念珠菌4次,阿萨希毛孢子菌、奥默毕赤菌各2次、季也蒙念珠菌1次)。治疗结果:55例患者中出院29例;死亡22例;自动放弃治疗及转院3例;仍在院治疗1例。结论患者罹患真菌血液系统感染死亡率较高,临床药师及时发现并跟踪真菌血液感染患者,可以发挥临床药师的药学技术特色,提高治愈率、降低死亡率,临床药师深入临床协助临床医生合理使用抗真菌药物的方法值得大力推广。 Objective To analyze the nature of infections in patients with positive results of blood culture fungi, raise the level of antifungal therapy and reduce the adverse reactions of antifungal drugs. Methods The real-time monitoring software of nosocomial infection was used to track the blood culture results of hospitalwide patients who were positive for fungi. Individualized dosing regimens were formulated to treat antifungal agents in patients with fungal sepsis. Results Results of the culture: In 2013, a total of 130 blood culture fungi (55) were positive in a hospital, accounting for 5.12% of all positive blood culture results. The infected strains were Candida albicans 71 times, Candida parapsilosis and Candida glabrata 25 times and Candida albicans 25 times, Candida albicans 4 times, Candida albicans, Hypocrea each 2 times, season also Candida 1). Treatment results: 55 patients discharged 29 cases; 22 died; automatically give up treatment and transfer in 3 cases; still in hospital treatment in 1 case. Conclusion The mortality rate of patients suffering from fungal hematological infection is high. Clinical pharmacist timely found and tracked patients with fungal blood infection can play the pharmacological characteristics of clinical pharmacists to improve the cure rate and reduce the mortality rate. Clinical pharmacists should assist clinicians in their rational use The method of fungal medicine is worth promoting.
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