Literature Review on Studying Primary School English Language Teaching from the Perspective of Criti

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  【Abstract】A large number of critics have studied primary school English language teaching from the perspective of critical period hypothesis. In this thesis, the author will first provide readers with primary opinions of critical period hypothesis and then an overview of the researches on studying English language teaching in primary schools from the perspective of critical period hypothesis over the past few years.
  【Key words】Critical Period Hypothesis; Literature Review; Primary School; English Language Teaching
  1. Primary Opinions of Critical Period Hypothesis
  There is a long-standing debate on the existence of Critical Period. Supporters and offenders are equal in terms of number, but they have reached an agreement on the following three opinions. Firstly, “The Optimum Age” does exist. Second language acquisition also has the optimum age and that age is between two years old to ten years old. (Gao, 10) Secondly, the formation of pure voice does have a critical period. Stromswold points out accurate linguistic competence tests show that there is little possibility for children who get in touch with a target language after teenager to approach his pronunciation to the native speakers’. He(2001 cited from Gui.X.2011) Thirdly, the ultimate achievement of second language acquisition does have a critical period. Stern and Ellis claim that adult learners are faster in second language acquisition than children learners. But in the long run, children learner will eventually achieve higher achievement than adult learner. (Gao, 14)
  2. Literature Review on Studying English Language Teaching in Primary School
  The author of this thesis reviewed a large number of theses on Enlish language teaching in primary schools from the perspective of critical period hypothesis and makes the following conclusions. Most of the research findings obtained are quite similar to the findings obtained by those critics who focus on studying English language teaching in preschool education. Age is not the determining factor and we should also take other factors such as students’ intelligence difference, the faculty and so on into consideration. Based on the above finding, most critics doubt the scientificalness of the policy that students start learning English from the third grade in primary school. They think primary schools should first guarantee the English teachers’ quality, the faculty factors and the language acquisition environment and then stimulate students’ subjective initiatives. Otherwise, primary schools should delay English teaching to a higher grade.   Based on critical period hypotheses, Cao Ning (2008, 99) comes up with some other constructive suggestions. She proposes that first language acquisition has a closer relationship with foreign language acquisition. In foreign language acquisition, any positive transfer utilization and negative transfer restraint are based on the profound comprehension of mother tongue. The function of mother tongue is implacable for foreign language learners in the native language environment. Also, along with the further study, foreign language will in turn enhance the first language acquisition. So, foreign language and mother tongue should interact with each other. Mei Yuan (2001, 139) states that the plasticity of brain during teenager is in high vitality and language imitation ability is also very active. Teenagers have exquisite and powerful sense of hearing and less mental disorders. So, adolescence is the optimum period to learn oral English. She also proposes that primary schools should be equipped with foreign teachers in order to let students contact with authentic pronunciation and oral English. Also, teachers should let them understand learning English is mainly for communication.
  3. Conclusion
  Based on the above proposition made by the above critics,the author of this thesis makes some conclusions as follows. Firstly, primary schools should delay English teaching to a higher grade if they can not guarantee the faculty factors, the language acquisition factors and teachers should spare no effort to stimulate students’ own subjective initiatives. Secondly, primary schools should put Chinese and English education at the equal status rather than over exaggerating the function of English education. Thirdly, primary schools should pay more attention to improver students’ oral English.
  [1]Cao.N.2008.On Critical Period Hypothesis and “English Learning Begins in the Early Childhood”.Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology.pp.99-103.
  [2]Gao.J.2007.On Baby English Education.Shanghai:East China Normal University Press.pp.14-16.
  [3]Gui.X.2011.Preschool English Education from the Perspective of Critical Period Hypothesis,Journal of Educational Development,pp.36-38.
  [4]Mei.Y.2002.On Critical Period Hypothesis and Primary,Middle school and Colleges,pp.137-139.
记得去美国之前,我的数学老师就跟我谈起过美国的高中课程。他说他的朋友在美国高中教书,居然还在教一些相当于我们小学高年级水平的代数运算。在中国,当谈起美国高中课程时,人们的第一印象便是“简单”。其实与中国的教育相比,美国的高中教学是一套截然不同的体系,有时甚至会被我这样的“体制中人”认为是不可思议的。  到了美国,去学校注册的那天,校长热情地接待了我,并十分诙谐地对我说:“千万不要以你在美国第一周
近年来,我园一直秉承“共情润心,双格发展”教育理念,从教师的真问题出发,深入研究共情理念指导下的教育实践工作。随着对共情概念、共情策略理解的逐渐深入,我们也越来越深刻地感悟到:在工作、生活中,管理者要始终保持一颗敏感的心,觉察教师的心理需求,结合幼儿园现有资源,采取多种方式,给予教师及时地支持和关爱。用最初的心,陪伴教师走最远的路。  “丁老师,我郁闷”  清晨7:20分,我走到了S老师所在的班级
【摘要】词汇是英语教学的基础,同时小学英语在学生的整个英语学习中起到承上启下的作用。因此,在小学英语教学中要尤为重视词汇的学习。本文将结合译林版英语教材具体阐述如何改善教学策略,提高小学英语教学质量。  【关键词】小学英语 词汇教学 策略研究  英语学习包括词汇、语法、语音等方面,其中词汇学习是语言学习的核心,更是语言学习的基石。小学阶段为是学生学习的基础性阶段,在这个时期养成的学习习惯将会受益一
【摘要】新一轮课程改革正在全国遍地开花,新课程改革的核心理念是:一切为了学生的发展。高中不再分文、理科,而是实行3 3模式,而且英语可以一年两考,并以最好成绩算在高考成绩中。所有这些对初中的英语教学也产生了较大的冲击。表面上看英语学科被弱化了,但实际上它所扮演的角色越来越重要,所以初中的英语教学改革势在必行。为了适应新形势的教学要求,我校开展了目前广受认可的教学模式:翻转课堂,以期提高课堂效率和学
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【摘要】本文以端木蕻良的短篇小说《鴜鹭湖的忧郁》及翻译家葛浩文和孔海立的英译本为例,研究了小说中的文化缺省现象及两位译者所运用的翻译补偿策略。本文通过对《紫鹭湖的忧郁》中英版本中的相关例子进行对比分析后,依据奈达的文化分类将文化缺省分为五类,在关联理论的指导下,从直译、意译、加注、增词和异化这五方面分析了译者在对文化缺省进行补偿时所用的翻译补偿策略。  【关键词】《鴜鹭湖的忧郁》 文化缺省 翻译补
【摘要】医学院校担负着培养医学人才的重任,医学院大部分学生未来都将治病救人,因此,我国高等医学院校都高度重视思想政治教育。在人工智能下的医学院学生思想现状着一系列的问题,要提加强学生思想教育就必须注重教学的主体性、参与性和整体性,坚持以人为本、服务至上的教育理念,建立健全教育机制和评价机制。  【关键词】人工智能 医学院学生 思想现状 应对策略  大学生思想教育工作是一项长期性、复杂性的系统工程,
【摘要】英语语言的学习不仅仅是学习语法结构、词汇等基本的语言技巧,学习英语的主要目的是要会运用这种语言同以此语言为母语的人进行交流,随着全球经济一体化的发展,在如何与外国人得体的、地道的交流已不仅仅是英语专业学生所必须具备的技能,非英语专业的学生也必须引起重视,本文就是从此方面来论述在这种背景下,教师专业发展所面临的问题。  【关键词】非英语专业 跨文化 教师专业发展  一、前言  隨着技术的交流
一、问题的提出  1.初三词汇教学的现状。  (1)偏重于词汇的孤立讲解——无词汇积累的提升。为了中考,很多的初三英语教师在词汇教学中通过听写单词来督促学生记住词汇,通过领读单词来孤立地讲解词义,很少有意识地创造途径来积累词汇。  (2)偏重于知识的应试讲解——无词汇积累的落实。为了中考,很多的初三英语教师在课堂上提前进入有计划的中考复习阶段,而且都以中考考纲为依托,在讲解练习时,都忽视了重点词汇