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一、正确认识档案工作的地位,做好档案工作.综观中外历史,凡是有识之士,都很重视档案工作.我国老一辈党和国家领导人毛主席、周总理、邓小平都非常重视档案工作,并有很多指示.党中央和国务院很重视档案工作,江泽民总书记、李鹏总理对做好档案工作都有具体要求,李鹏同志在接见全国先进档案工作者代表时做了重要讲话,江泽民同志在视察上海市、西藏自治区档案馆时不仅做了具体指示,而且还挥笔题词,鼓励档案人员为党、为国继续做奉献.档案是党和国家的宝贵财富,是人类社会经济、政治、文化活动的原始记录,是历史的回声、写照.它的价值不仅在历史本身,更重要的是现实的借鉴.例如酒钢三十年的变化,嘉峪关市的发展、建设,都是通过各种门类的档案来反映的.每个人,在历史上一闪而过,而档案却是永存的.我市城建档案工作,由于历史原因,存在很多问题.市图书馆在开挖基础中, First, we should correctly understand the status of archives work and do a good job in archives work. Looking at the history both at home and abroad, all people of insight attach great importance to archival work. The elders and leaders of our country, Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou and Deng Xiaoping attach great importance to the archives General Secretary Jiang Zemin and Premier Li Peng all have specific requirements for filing. Comrade Li Peng made an important speech when interviewing the representatives of the advanced archives workers in the country. Comrade Jiang Zemin attached great importance to the work of archives work. While inspected the archives of Shanghai Municipality and Tibet Autonomous Region, they not only gave specific instructions, but also wielded inscriptions to encourage archivists to continue contributing to the party and the country.Archives are a valuable asset to the party and the country and are the hallmarks of the economic, political, The original record of cultural activities is the echo of history, portraying its value not only in history itself, but more importantly, the reality of reference.For example, three decades of changes in Jiuquan Iron and Steel, Jiayuguan City, the development and construction are through a variety of Categories of files to reflect .Everyone in the history of flash, but the file is eternal. City archives work, due to historical reasons, there Many problems. City Library in the excavation of the foundation,
3月28日,来自中央编译局、江苏省委党校、省市社科院、社科联以及省市相关部门的领导与专家学者们,齐聚南京市六合区八百桥镇新光社区赵 On March 28, leaders and experts