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于1997年秋在淮阴县棉花庄乡沈庄村利用毛竹塑料大棚试种秋西瓜获得成功,1998年秋又在市农科所的钢架塑料大棚中试种成功。667m2产量2000kg,地产值8000元,经济效益十分可观。现将其栽培技术介绍如下。1选择品种选择适合保护地栽培的早熟品种,如抗病苏蜜,丰乐一号,聚宝一? In the autumn of 1997, Huaiyin County, Zhuang Village, Huaiyin County, the use of bamboo plastic greenhouse to test the autumn watermelon success, the autumn of 1998 in the city of Agricultural Science in the steel plastic greenhouse success. 667m2 Production 2000kg, real estate value of 8,000 yuan, the economic benefits are considerable. Now its cultivation techniques are as follows. 1 Select the variety of cultivars suitable for the selection of precocious cultivars, such as disease-resistant Su honey, Feng Lok, Jubao a?
上个周末,远在东莞边防支队担任警务参谋的小吕乘坐长途汽车再次来到广州,向他的知心朋友、边防指挥学校政治法律教研室的教员马骏倾 Last weekend, Xiao Lu, who was a pol