
来源 :食用菌 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:einstein_2
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食用菌种类繁多,分布广泛,世界上已有记载的约2000余种,我国知名的有600余种,云南产区500种.但目前世界上栽培成功的仅50种,我国有20余种,其中能进行商业性栽培的仅10多种,大量仍处于野生状态,一部分属纯腐生和兼性寄生的种类,如木腐菌和草、叶腐败菌,生产上已大量栽培的种类多半属于此类。属于共生的菌类,如菌根和鸡(土从)菌,由于它们的生态、生理比较复杂,与高等植物或白蚁群的相互关系至今尚未研究清楚,故人工驯化很难成功。对于这些数量大、经济价值高,人工驯化困难的菌类,在今后较长的时期内,势必成为我们重点 Edible mushrooms are many and widely distributed, there are about 2,000 species recorded in the world, more than 600 species are well-known in our country and 500 species in Yunnan Province.However, only 50 species are successfully cultivated in the world at present, and there are more than 20 species in our country, Among them, only 10 species can be commercially cultivated, a large number of which are still in the wild, and some of which are pure saprophytic and facultative parasitic species, such as wood rot and grass, leaf spoilage bacteria, and most cultivated species in production belong to this category class. Belong to the symbiotic bacteria, such as mycorrhizal and chicken (soil from) bacteria, because of their ecological and physiological complexity, and higher plants or termite population has not yet been clearly studied, so the domesticated difficult to succeed. For these large number of high economic value, artificial domestication difficult bacteria, in the longer period in the future, will inevitably become our focus
  目的 探讨应用尺动脉腕上皮支皮瓣游离移植修复手指皮肤缺损的方法和临床效果.方法 2008年6月~2011年6月,采用尺动脉腕上皮支皮瓣游离移植修复12例手指缺损,根据手指皮肤缺
世界卫生组织曾向全世界声明,如有哪个人能攻克癌症,就为他塑一尊“半身金像”。这一声明曾在全世界医务界引起轰动。无数个学者、专家都梦想着能为自己塑个半身金像。 癌症
董爱民,男,1963年12月出生于河北省昌黎县,汉族,大学本科学历,文学学士学位,中共党员,1986年8月参加工作。 1982年7月至1986年7月就读于河北师范大学政教系,在校期间曾参加