Neuromodulation and ablation with focused ultrasound - toward the future of noninvasive brain therap

来源 :中国神经再生研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:michaelwf
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With an aging patient population and an increased burden of neu-rological disease, the demand for noninvasive altatives to open neurosurgical procedures is imperative. Noninvasive or minimally invasive approaches to targeting brain regions include transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), transcranial direct current stimula-tion, temporally interfering electric fields, and focused ultrasound (FUS). Among these modalities, FUS offers a unique combination of target specificity, deep brain penetration, and compatibility with real-time structural and thermal monitoring using magnetic res-onance imaging (MRI) and MR thermometry. Depending on the intensity and frequency used, ultrasound can have either modulat-ing or ablative effects on brain tissue. High-intensity MR-guided FUS (MRgFUS) is a noninvasive and effective altative to con-ventional deep-brain stimulation and radiofrequency lesioning for essential tremor (ET), and is being investigated for other movement disorders, particularly Parkinson’s disease. Wider clinical imple-mentation of high-intensity ultrasound is challenged by limitations in target selection precision, technical barriers (such as variable penetration and heat deposition) and the possibility of lesion-re-lated adverse effects (Schwartz et al., 2018). Emerging studies, including those from our group (Boutet et al., 2018) are striving to refine targeting of MRgFUS to improve safety and patient clinical outcomes. At the same time, low-intensity FUS (LIFUS) has been found to safely modulate brain activity in rodents, primates, and healthy human subjects (Fomenko et al., 2018). Clinical translation of LIFUS has been hampered however, by a poor understanding of the mechanisms of action, uncertainty over effective sonication parameters and intensities, and conflicting study results due to het-erogeneous experimental protocols. In this perspective, the current state of both MRgFUS ablation and LIFUS neuromodulation will be presented. Ongoing technical challenges to delivering ultrasound to the brain, recent innovations in target and parameter selection, and future directions for this emerging nonsurgical altative are also discussed.
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