Efficient password authentication schemes based on a geometric approach for a multi-server environme

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science C(Computers & Electro | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bynlxd
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Password authentication schemes based on a geometric approach are proposed. Based on geometrics such as a plane or space, the proposed schemes can be used to fulfill the various requirements for security and achieve more efficient results. They allow a user to register with many servers once without remembering different passwords for each, and also allow a user to change the password freely and update it offline. In addition, the proposed schemes do not need to maintain a verification table and are also computationally efficient. Moreover, we propose a specific access right (AR) to verify the legitimate user who has different authorization levels on a server in a multi-server environment. Based on geometrics such as a plane or space, the proposed schemes can be used to fulfill the various requirements for security and achieve more efficient results. They allow a user to register with many servers once without remembering different passwords for each, and also allow a user to change the password freely and update it offline. Furthermore, the proposed schemes do not need to maintain a verification table and are also computationally efficient. (AR) to verify the legitimate user who has different authorization levels on a server in a multi-server environment.
【摘要】本文通过分析,目前成人教育教学中存在的工学矛盾问题,提出成人医学教育教学通过面授和网络多媒体远程教育教学相混合的形式,实现学校对教学站点及函授学员的精准化管理,教学站点实现对本点负责学员的数据及教学标准化管理,学员随时随地就学。增强他们学习的积极性。因此,采取以远程网络教学为主,集中面授为辅的相混合的形式,乃是我校医学继续教育不可或缺的形式。  【关键词】提高管理水平 加强网络教学 提高教
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