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禹城市莒镇乡人大动员广大代表从群众的迫切要求、农村经济发展和社会主义新农村建设三个方面入手,做好“三个结合”的文章,积极为群众办实事、解难题,发展和维护人民群众的利益。结合群众愿望,解决群众生产生活中的难题代表们发挥自身优势,在与群众共同生产、生活中,注重了解广大群众在生产生活中遇到的困难,倾听群众的愿望和要求,及时向有关方面反映,为群众排忧解难。乡直代表小组在访谈中了解到,大郑村村民浇地困难,群众反映强烈,便向该村两委提出清淤沟渠的建议。村里采纳了这一建议,动用2台挖掘机对淤积严重的四条沟渠进行清淤。同时,对沟 The great representative mobilized by the people’s congress of Yucheng Town Gao Zhenxiang proceeded from three aspects of the urgent demands of the masses, rural economic development and building a new socialist countryside so as to do a good job of “combining three articles” and actively doing practical work for the masses, solving problems, Develop and safeguard the interests of the people. Combining with the wishes of the masses and solving the difficulties in the production and life of the masses Delegates exert their own advantages and, in their joint production and living with the masses, pay attention to understanding the difficulties encountered by the broad masses of people in production and life, listen to the aspirations and demands of the masses, and promptly inform the relevant parties Reflect, solve problems for the masses. In the interview, the township directly representative team learned that the villagers in Dazheng Village had difficulty in irrigating land and the masses had been strongly reflected. They proposed to the two committees of the village to dredge the ditches. The village adopted this suggestion and used two excavators to dredge four heavily silted ditches. At the same time, the ditch
河内越南民主共和国外交部长春水同志敬爱的部长同志: 我收到你一月二十二日为反对美帝国主义轰炸老撾、企图扩大印度支那战争的行动写给一九六一年——一九六二年日内瓦会
八一南昌起义已整整73周年,每遇建军节,我总会想起当年建立“八一南昌起义纪念塔”的情景。有关纪念塔的设计在不同的报刊早作过介绍,但有些鲜为人知的事怕日久遗忘。 Augu
Web offers a very convenient way to access remote information resources, an important measurement of evaluating Web services quality is how long it takes to sea
蒋介石、阎锡山之间的明争暗斗历时数十年,有时剑拔弩张,兵戎相见,有时握手言欢,互相利用。本文记述的是抗日战争期间发生在晋西地区的一场蒋、阎暗斗。 晋西事变后,阎锡山