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成立于20世纪60年代的敏求精舍.可谓华人艺术圈内最负盛名的收藏团体 严谨求实的学术态度.低调内敛的处世哲学,严格把关的会籍审核,等等,无疑更为这家 由30余名会员构成的专业机构蒙上一层神秘的面纱。近半个世纪以来.在国际中国艺术品 市场中.植根于深厚的中华文化土壤,敏求精舍的成员一直是各大拍卖公司、国际古董商 眼中的VIP客户.他们的藏品在业内往往是“高档”、“精品”的代名词。编者曾在年内两度拜访 敏求精舍葛师科先生,他也多次强调敏求精舍是一个鉴赏研究、交流学习的公社,不愿过多 涉及市场方面的趋利因素。《艺术市场》于本期独家刊登敏求精舍的部分会员藏品,并附国际 知名收藏家、敏求精舍会员Mr.Brian McElney撰写的《敏求追昔》一文.以之祝福这家即将在 年末迎来45周年重要时刻的金牌收藏社团。 Founded in the 20th century, 60 Minzhuo fine homes. Can be described as the most prestigious collection of Chinese art circles rigorous and realistic academic attitude. Low-key introverted philosophy of life, strict examination of membership, and so on, no doubt more this more than 30 members of the professional institutions cast a mysterious veil. Nearly half a century. In the international Chinese art market. Rooted in the deep soil of Chinese culture, Sensitive members have always been VIP clients from major auction houses and international antique dealers. Their collections are often synonymous with “premium” and “boutique” in the industry. During the year, the editor visited Mr. Ge Shike twice. He also emphasized many times that Minzhi Aberdeen is a commune that appreciates research and exchanges and learning, and does not want too much profit-making factor in the market. In the current issue, Art Market publishes some members’ collections of Minzhi Aberdeen, along with the article “Sensitive Recalls” written by Mr.Brian McElney, an internationally renowned collector. In the blessing of this upcoming 45th anniversary of the end of the year at a moment of gold collection clubs.
各位同仁、各位朋友 :为了响应云南省人民政府鼓励科技人员提前退休或带薪到高新技术、私营企业工作的号召 ,本人已申办完提前退休手续 ,自 2 0 0 3年元月 1日起 ,不再担任《
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