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本研究以稻纵卷叶螟、稻纵卷叶螟绒茧蜂、化学农药系统为对象,应用最优控制理论与微机对该系统进行最优监控,以便合理使用农药控制虫口密度与天敌数量,既利用天敌在害虫防治中的积极作用,又维持系统处于害虫危害极徽的平衡水平;并且在监控的整个过程中使害虫对农作物的损失与防治费用总和达到最小。监控手段是使用一般微机。将设计好的监控程序输入微机,种植者只需将当前田间观测的虫口密度与天敌数量输入微机,微机即能迅速作出判断,并打印出“需要立即防治”,“不需要防治”或“×天后防治,防治时虫口密度=×××,天敌密度=×××”等信息。 In this study, the rice leaf roller, the rice leafroller calyx bee, chemical pesticide system as the object, the optimal control theory and microcomputer optimal monitoring of the system in order to rational use of pesticides to control insect population density and the number of natural enemies, It not only takes advantage of natural enemies’ active role in pest control, but also maintains the system at the equilibrium level of the extreme emblem of pest damage. In the whole process of monitoring, the sum of pest losses to crops and prevention and control costs are minimized. Monitoring method is to use the general computer. The designed monitoring program is input to the microcomputer. The grower only needs to input the density and natural enemies observed in the current field into the microcomputer, and the microcomputer can quickly make a judgment and print out the messages of “immediate prevention and treatment”, “no prevention and cure” or “× Days after the prevention and treatment of insect population density = × × ×, natural enemy density = × × × ”and other information.
6月中、下旬,市郊上尧乡万秀村公所邓屋、陈屋和仁里坡的110多亩莲藕,斜纹夜蛾(prodenia litura Fabricius)大暴发。危害十分严重,幼虫密度一般每叶3—5头,最多26头,折亩有
一、我国现行税制存在的主要问题 (一)税收法制不健全,不适应发展市场经济的需要。市场经济是价值经济、交换经济、竞争经济、信用经济和法律经济的统一,要发展市场经济必须
目的 鉴定重组卡介苗表达的MalE蛋白T细胞表位。方法 用抗原提呈试验、T细胞增殖试验、ELISPOT试验和表位作图测试重组MalE蛋白的T细胞表位。结果 重组BCG MalE功能性表达
前言 云杉毡枯病是黑龙江省绥棱林业局红皮云杉(Picea Koraiensis Nakai)人工林中新发现的一种危险性传染病害,被害严重,现正扩大蔓延,使大片云杉林树势衰弱,生长量大幅度减
棉小卵象Calomycterus obconicus Chao属鞘翅目,象虫科,是棉花苗期害虫之一。一般年份发生为害较轻,但在重发生年,局部棉田的棉苗,常引起落叶,光秆,甚至死亡。此虫分布于浙
杜仲灰夜蛾(Polia sp.)系我国首次发现的一种害虫。该虫在湖北省一年可发生2-3代,以蛹在土中越冬。幼虫共分五龄,五龄前为害杜仲嫩叶,五龄至入土化蛹前啃食杜仲经环剥后再生