重申考试纪律 保证自考质量

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全国考办1月初在厦门召开的全国高等教育自学考试考务工作会议上,再次提出了“要加强考务管理,维护良好的考风考纪,保证自学考试质量”的要求,并强调提出,自考工作在新形势下必须树立质量第一的思想,不能用降低质量求生存。今年4月全国高等教育自学考试统一考试时间很快就到了,为了全面贯彻全国高等教育自学考试考务工作会议精神,除了省、市各级自学考试机构要采取相应措施抓好组考工作外,在此再次公布每一位考生都必须知晓的河北省自学考试《考场规则》及《关于对自学考试中考生违反考场规则及作弊问题处理的暂行规定》,希望考生认真学习、掌握,自觉遵守考试纪律杜绝违纪作弊行为发生,维护自学考试已取得的社会信誉,促进自学考试事业的深入发展。———编者 At the National Examination Meeting for Higher Education Self-Study Examination held in Xiamen in early January of the same year, the National Examination Council once again put forward the requirement of “strengthening examination management, maintaining good test records and guaranteeing the quality of self-study exams” Self-examination work in the new situation must establish the quality of the first idea, can not be used to reduce the quality of survival. In April this year, the national examination time for self-study examinations for higher education was fast approaching. In order to fully implement the spirit of the national self-study examinations for higher education, in addition to provincial and municipal self-study examinations institutions at all levels should take appropriate measures to do a good job in group examinations, Here again announced that every candidate must know the Hebei Province self-examination “examination rules” and “on self-examination in violation of the examination rules and cheating problems Interim Provisions” and hope that candidates conscientiously study, master, conscientiously abide by the examination Discipline to eliminate discipline and cheating, maintenance of social credibility has been made self-study examinations to promote self-study examinations in-depth development. ---editor
短暂脑局部缺血发作(Transient ischemic att-acks,简称 TIA)是颈动脉或椎基动脉系统的短暂血液供应不足,临床表现为突然发病的、几分钟至几小时的局灶性神经功能缺失,多在2
逐渐普及的Skylake酷睿MSurface Pro 4家族的低配版搭载了英特尔Skylake架构的酷睿M3-6Y30处理器,最大的特色就是TDP低至4.5W,无需散热风扇即可稳定运行(图1),具备较为强大的
Fahr′s 病又称“特发性散在性基底节钙化症”,“对称性大脑钙化综合征”。本病罕见。下面将我们在1984年7月用 SCT—10N_3型、矩阵256×256CT 扫描机检查发现的1例 Fahr′s
著者报告一例女患者,58岁,因双侧大叶性肺炎入 ICU病房。开始时静注头孢呋肟与红霉素抗炎治疗。血培养有肺炎链球菌生长,故次日,将抗生素改为苄星青霉素。因存有严重的低氧