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本文从中国改革开放的历史渊源入手,从三次思想上的大交锋和大解放、取得的三大成就,改革成功的八大基本原因以及所存在的问题,回顾和总结了30年改革所取得的成就以及最近几年的改革方向。本文还论证了,和谐社会的构建,在当前人们思想水平不太高,追求个人利益的现实条件下,能够并且必须通过建设现代市场经济体制来完成。当前存在的几乎所有深层次问题都是由于没有处理好政府与市场的关系,以及合理地界定二者的边界所造成的。因而,当前改革的重点和亟待解决的重大问题在于合理界定政府与市场的边界,这也是处理好效率、公平与和谐发展的关键。本文对政府应该如何发挥作用,如何界定政府与市场的边界,如何进行政府职能的转变以及政府管理模式的创新进行了讨论。 This article starts with the historical origins of China’s reform and opening up. From the three major ideological big liberations and the great liberation, the three major achievements made, the eight basic reasons for the success of reform and the existing problems, the paper reviews and summarizes the achievements made in the 30 years of reform As well as the reform direction in recent years. The article also argues that the construction of a harmonious society can and must be completed through the construction of a modern market economy under the current conditions that people are not thinking highly of themselves and pursuing their personal interests. Almost all the deep-seated problems that currently exist are caused by the failure to deal with the relationship between the government and the market and the rational definition of the boundary between the two. Therefore, the focus of the current reform and the major issue to be solved urgently lies in the rational definition of the boundary between the government and the market. This is also the key to handling efficiency, fairness and harmonious development. This article discusses how the government should play its role, how to define the boundary between the government and the market, how to change the government functions and how to innovate the government management mode.
把bǎ我wǒ带dài去qù吧bɑ,我wǒ的de风fēnɡ筝zhēnɡ,  快kuài快kuài把bǎ我wǒ带dài上shànɡ蓝lán天tiān!  我wǒ要yào在zài天tiān上shànɡ飞fēi行xínɡ,  我wǒ要yào在zài天tiān上shànɡ盘pán旋xuán,  我wǒ要yào像xiànɡ鸟niǎo儿ér那nà样yànɡ飞fēi呀yɑ飞fēi,  飞fēi过ɡuò大dà海hǎ
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长株潭一体化自1982年被张萍提出来后,至2007年,长株潭城市群终于获准为全国资源节约型和环境友好型社会建设综合配套改革试验区。这鼓舞人心的消息不 After the integratio
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