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1994年,我国的社会商品零售价格指数和居民消费品价格指数都高居20%以上。为此,中央和国务院将抑制通货膨胀作为今年宏观调控的首要任务。物价调控目标是力争将社会零售商品指数控制在15%左右。将近半年的时间过去了,物价的形势和前景究竟如何呢?一、上半年物价走势与特点进入1995年以来,物价上涨的势头有所减缓。一季度社会商品零售价格指数比去年同期上涨19.9%,居民消费品价格指数比去年同期上涨22.6%;四月份社会商品零售价格指数和居民消费品价格指数升幅比一季度又都下降了1.9个百分点,分别为18.0%和20.7%,五月份社会商品零售价格指数进一步下降为17.6%。总的来看,物价仍在高位运行,但物价涨幅得到控制,物价指数逐月回落。 In 1994, China’s social commodity retail price index and consumer goods price index were all above 20%. To this end, the Central and State Council will suppress inflation as the primary task of this year’s macro-control. The goal of price regulation is to strive to control the social retail commodity index at around 15%. Nearly half a year has passed. What is the situation and prospects of commodity prices? First, price trends and characteristics in the first half of the year Since 1995, the trend of price increases has slowed. In the first quarter, the retail price index of social commodities rose by 19.9% ​​over the same period of last year, and the price index of consumer goods rose by 22.6% over the same period of last year. In April, the increase of social goods retail price index and consumer goods price index fell by 1.9 percentage points from the first quarter. At 18.0% and 20.7%, the retail price index for social goods fell further to 17.6% in May. In general, prices are still running at high levels, but price increases are controlled and the price index falls month by month.
本文以比尔·盖茨投身慈善事业为缘起,通过介绍众多慈善家的事迹和理念,阐述了乐善好施不但是西方商业社会的文化胎记,也是新时代财富观的理性化和动态化的一种必然结果。 T
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