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初秋的一天上午,盐城市广济医院门前,鼓乐隆隆,人声鼎沸。院长金树文接过两面锦旗,心情激动。6月初,射阳县新洋乡59岁的杨祝英突然头痛、呕吐,被送进医院已经半昏迷。金树文随即组织会诊,诊断为死亡率极高的蛛网膜下腔出血,迅速制定了治疗和特护方案,采取中西药物治疗,使病人逐步康复。杨祝英专程前来感谢救命之恩。金树文从医30多年,成功抢救过的病人不计其数,他办公室悬挂的一面面锦旗,蕴藏着一个又一个动人故事。在长期的医疗实践中,他接触了许多食道癌、贲门癌患者和被其他疑难杂症困扰着的病人。面对着痛苦的他们,金树文的心里象打翻了五味瓶。他从日常生活中得到启示,如果对食道癌、贲门癌患者施以西药化疗,并辅以扶正抗癌的中药,从食管中打开一条进食通道,也许会给患者一线生机。他和一位同事沿着这个设想,根据自己掌握的中、西医理论,吸收传统的民间秘方、偏方中的合理成分,开始研制起药 Early autumn morning, Yancheng Guangji Hospital in front of Drum Rumble, voices. Jin Shuwen Dean received two banners, feeling excited. In early June, Yang Zhuying, a 59-year-old Yang Yang-yang of Sheyang County, had a sudden headache and vomiting and was taken to the hospital for half a coma. Jin Shuwen immediately organize consultation, diagnosis of high mortality of subarachnoid hemorrhage, the rapid development of treatment and special care programs, the use of Chinese and Western drug treatment, the patient gradually recovered. Yang Zhuying made a special trip to thank the help of grace. Kim Jong-wen from the medical more than 30 years, the successful rescue of patients countless, hanging in his office side of the pennants, contains one after another touching story. In long-term medical practice, he has come into contact with many esophageal and cardia cancers and patients afflicted with other intractable diseases. Faced with the pain of them, Jin Shuwen’s heart like a spilled bottle of flavors. He got enlightenment from his daily life. If the patients with esophageal cancer and cardia cancer were treated with western medicine and supplemented with traditional Chinese medicine to help fight cancer, opening an eating passage from the esophagus might bring fresh vitality to the patient. He and a colleague started to draw up the medicine along this assumption and based on the theory of China and Western medicine that he mastered, absorbing the traditional folk remedies and reasonable ingredients in his prescriptions
筹备一年有余,在各地歌迷的千呼万唤期待下,罗志祥(小猪)于2008年12月底正式发行全新专辑《潮男正传》!保密多时的全新专辑 Preparations for more than a year, fans aroun
痢疾是小儿的常见病,表现为发热、腹痛、腹泻。里急后重,排脓血便等,严重者可引发中毒性痢疾而危及生命,不可不慎。对于小儿痢疾,除了到医院请医生开药服用之外,家庭护理也非常重要。兹简要述说如下:    一、实行消化道隔离    必要的隔离是彻底治疗痢疾的要点之一。因为痢疾是由痢疾杆菌、阿米巴原虫致病的,具有传染性,要严格执行床旁隔离和胃肠道隔离,排泄物、餐具、便具须严格消毒,防止交叉感染或再次感染。尤
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本文采用高效毛细管电泳法分离测定止咳合剂中甘草酸的含量,本法具有准确、快速、简便的优点,结果满意,为甘草及其制剂的质量控制提供了新方法。 In this paper, the separatio