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领导干部新老交替,是自然规律所至,是实现干部管理原则的实际步骤,是各项事业承前启后,继往开来的重要标志,一个机关、一个乡镇乃至企事业单位,领导干部新老交替变换岗位是常有的事。所谓档案的接续,简单地说就是本部门本单位在其工作活动中形成的各种文件材料、图表、声像等,在其工作活动结束后,由文书部门进行整理立卷,然后移交给档案室归档保管,便于提供利用。这项逐年进行立卷归档的工作,称之为档案的接续。那么领导干部新老交替与档案的接续有什么关系呢?就领导干部的工作权限来说,是一个部门、一个单位的核心人物,主管全面工作。在履行其职责过程中,必然形成大量的文字记载或不同形式的历史记录,这些原始的、 The replacement of leading cadres with new ones and old ones is the result of the laws of nature. It is a practical step towards the principle of cadre management. It is an important symbol of undertaking various undertakings and carrying forward the past and going forward. An organ, a township and even enterprises and public institutions, Often things. The continuation of the so-called file refers simply to the various documents and materials, graphics, audio and video etc. formed by the unit in its work activities. After the end of their work activities, the file department organizes the booklet and then transfers it to the file Room archives custody, to facilitate the use of. This year, the work of filing the file, called the file to continue. What is the relationship between new and old leading cadres and the continuation of archives? As far as the working authority of leading cadres is concerned, they are the core members of a department and a unit that is in charge of overall work. In fulfilling its duties, it is inevitable that a large number of written records or different forms of historical records will be formed. These original,
上课了,我像往常一样发下自学提纲并提出要 求,学生便开始自学.几分钟后,我开始巡视.当我走 到女生贾某身边时,发现她正在书上一遍遍地写着 同样的几个字:“恨政治老师”.我