Study on Original Ecological Tridimensional Slope Vegetation

来源 :Journal of Mountain Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wzllh
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No matter from the perspective of slope protection, landscape effect and construction cost, or from the perspective of ecological benefit, the development of original ecological tridimensional vegetation has become the inevitable trend for slope vegetation in pursuit of protecting ecological condition, decreasing soil erosion, maintaining ecological balance and beautifying environment of slope. The concept of original ecological tridimensional slope vegetation is proposed in this paper, and the original ecological tridimensional slope vegetation is studied through theoretical analysis and experiments. Specifically, the mechanical effect of slope vegetation in reinforcing the cohesion and shear strength of soil mass is firstly discussed, and then experiments are performed to study the water interception and containing function of slope under various vegetation conditions. Moreover, the relation between soil moisture and cohesion, the relation between root distribution density and cohesion, and the relation between root distribution density and soil shear strength are also studied based on experiments.Finally, based on field observation, the soil erosion states of slope under various vegetation conditions are comparatively studied. It is found that the original ecological tridimensional slope, which combines grass,shrub and tree, can generate comprehensive slope protection effects, and hence strengthen the slope protection ability and bring multiple slope protection benefits. Thereby, the theoretical foundation for developing original ecological tridimensional slope vegetation is established. No matter from the perspective of slope protection, landscape effect and construction cost, or from the perspective of ecological benefit, the development of original ecological tridimensional vegetation has become the inevitable trend for slope vegetation in pursuit of conserving ecological condition, decreasing soil erosion, maintaining ecological balance and beautifying environment of slope. The concept of original ecological tridimensional slope vegetation is proposed in this paper, and the original ecological tridimensional slope vegetation is studied through theoretical analysis and experiments. Specifically, the mechanical effect of slope vegetation in reinforcing the cohesion and shear strength of soil mass is referred to, and then experiments are studied to study the water interception and containing function of slope under various vegetation conditions. Moreover, the relation between soil moisture and cohesion, the relation between root distribution density and cohesi on, and the relation between root distribution density and soil shear strength are also studied based on experiments. Finally, based on field observation, the soil erosion states of slope under various vegetation conditions are comparatively studied. It is found that the original ecological tridimensional slope , which combines grass, shrub and tree, can generate comprehensive slope protection effects, and hence strengthen the slope protection ability and bring multiple slope protection benefits.
一、悬挂输送机牵引计算的目的1) 验证所选择的牵引构件的承载能力; 2) 为传动装置及张紧装置选择最合理的位置, 3) 确定传动电动机功率及张紧载荷; First, the suspension
一些人,一些事,因为其重要性,因为其不确定性,始终会被世人关注,成为业界持续关注的话题1大众汽车集团董事、大众品牌总裁贝瀚德(Wolfgang Bernhard)已经离开大众集团。他拿
明妮·魏特琳1886年9月27日出生于美国伊利诺州。1912年秋,魏特琳大学毕业后受美国联合基督教传教士公会的派遣,只身踏上了到中国传教的遥远旅程。 魏特琳先到安徽,任合肥三育女中校长。1919年,