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4月8日,江南百货店,一场临头的灾祸化险为夷.下午2时,东头的布匹堆上,倏地腾起了血红的火光,火魔张开了贪婪的大口,要将这四周的一切吞噬.此前,两名电焊工在五楼焊接玻璃幕墙的铁护栏、既没有现场监护人员,也没有对有一线缝隙相通的四楼仓库进行检查,便违章进行操作.突然,电焊火花沿着那一线缝隙,掉落在布匹堆上.这与唐山林西百货大楼特大火灾,长沙 April 2, Jiangnan Department Store, a forefront of disaster at stake.At 2 pm, the east pile of cloth piled on the heavens bloody red fire, the devil opened a greedy mouth, to all this four weeks Swallowed. Previously, two welders in the fifth floor welding glass curtain wall iron fence, there is no on-site guardianship, there is no gap on the fourth floor of warehouse connected to check, it is illegal operation. Suddenly, welding spark along that Gap, falling on the pile of cloth.This Tangshan Linxi department store building fire, Changsha
A novel approach based on self-assembled colloidal gold and Nafion matrixes and Co complex mediator to construct Co(bpy)33+/nano-Au/Co(bpy)33+/nafion/GC electro
The effect of vinyl acetate(VA)content in ethylene vinyl acetate(EVA)copolymer on the mechanical properties of polypropylene was investigated.Three different EV
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The PdCo bimetallic hollow nanospheres with 80 nm average diameter and around 9.0 nm thickness of the shell were prepared with a special reduction method and ch