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您喜欢辩论吗?喜欢针锋相对的思想交锋与撞击吗?如果答案是肯定的, 那么,请赶快加入我们的“正方反方”,CHIP以及 您的辩论对手——本刊的忠实读者, 正期待着您“不拘一格”的精妙观点。 这是一个完全由读者来稿组成的栏目, 如果您对我们提出的问题感兴趣,可以将您的看法发给我们, 您可以支持正方的观点, 也可以站在反方一边,但不可以模棱两可。每期,我们将从 中选取部分比较有代表性的观点刊登出来,同时,公布下期辩题。来信请发至栏目编辑信箱:feng_lie@chip-china.com或直 接寄至本刊编辑部冯烈收。 另外, 每月一号,我们还将在本刊的网站上公布本期《正方反方》的文章, 同时设立投票机制。请读者选出本期您心目中的“最佳辨手”,投票结果将在下期公布。一年中累计得票最多者,将获得“CHIP最佳辨手”的荣誉称号。 近两年,降价似乎成了所有计算机厂商共同的“杀手锏”。一进入2001年,中国的电子配套市场就开始大幅跳水,尤其是128MB的内存条,更是跌到了让人“害怕”的低价——130元人民币!比年初的价格便宜了一半还要多。可是,面对如此让人心动的价格,消费者们却保持着高度的“冷静”:俗话说,买涨不买跌,谁知道价格还会跌到什么? Do you like to debate? Like tit for tat confrontation and impact? If the answer is in the affirmative, then quickly join our Opposition, CHIP and your opponent - our loyal readers are looking forward to your “eclectic” subtlety. This is a completely reader-generated section. If you are interested in our questions, you can send us your opinion. You can either support the square’s point of view or you can be on the opposite side, but you should not be ambiguous. Each issue, we will select some of the more representative views published at the same time, announced the next debate. Please send a letter to the column editor email: feng_lie@chip-china.com or sent directly to the editorial department Feng Lie received. In addition, on the 1st of each month, we will also publish the article on “Opposing Squares” in this issue’s website and setting up a voting mechanism. Please readers choose this issue in your mind the best hand, the voting results will be announced next month. Those who accumulate the most votes in a year will receive the honorary title of “CHIP Best Discerning Hand”. The past two years, the price seems to have become common to all computer makers, “killer.” Into 2001, China’s electronic market began to plunge the electronics package, especially the 128MB of memory, but also fell to the people “scared” low-cost - 130 yuan! More than half the price cheaper than the beginning of the year. However, in the face of such exciting price, consumers maintain a high degree of “calmness.” As the saying goes, buy or not buy, who knows the price will fall to what?
在许多杂志上看到有关CPU散热的文章,我开始也没有注意,但下面的一件事使我认识到CPU散热的重要性。 听朋友讲,他的机子老是用一段时间后就死机,特别是运行大型程序时。关机一段时间后
孟京辉,导演,当代中国话剧的代表人物,“才情+笑点+诗情+情怀”的戏剧理念让他站到了一个至高点上,甚至一度被尊为“教父”。但他的妻子、著名编剧廖一梅可 Meng Jinghui, d
键盘和鼠标越来越多地侵占了我们的创作空间,所以我们期待着更加亲切而得心应手的工具,于是便有了它…… The keyboard and mouse are increasingly occupying our creative s
主板 AOPEN AX64 PRO/白金传奇 /黄金传奇 850/1100/750元 艾威 BD100/BS/DBD/DBS 880/2370/1760/3660元 艾威 VD133/VD133 PRO/WO2(815E) 700/930/1280元 钻石 DFI(S370) CA
一日,突然接到朋友的紧急求助电话,让我去他的单位帮助解决电脑故障. 我赶去一看。一台IBM原装商用机正“开膛破肚”地躺在那儿.经过询问才知道,原来该单位准备联网。在这台机器上插
我的电脑使用的是华硕P2B主板/创新 PCI 64声卡。近日,有幸拿到了 Windows2000正式版。因为以前已经用过Windows2000的测试版.感觉其性能和稳定性都十分出众。于是迫不及待地进行安装。在安装过程中.因为无事可