Texture Pattern Generation Using Clonal Mosaic

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lsui321
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In this paper, an effective system for synthesizing animal skin patts on arbitrary polygonal surfaces is developed. To accomplish the task, a system inspired by the Clonal Mosaic (CM) model is proposed. The CM model simulates cells’ reactions on arbitrary surface. By controlling the division, mutation and repulsion of cells, a regulated spatial arrangement of cells is formed. This arrangement of cells shows appealing result, which is comparable with those natural patts observed from animal skin. However, a typical CM simulation process incurs high computational cost, where the distances among cells across a polygonal surface are measured and the movements of cells are constrained on the surface. In this framework, an approach is proposed to transform each of the original 3D geometrical planes of the surface into its Canonical Reference Plane Structure. This structure helps to simplify a 3D computational problem into a more manageable 2D problem. Furthermore, the concept of Local Relaxation is developed to optimally enhance the relaxation process for a typical CM simulation. The performances of the proposed solution methods have been verified with extensive experimental results.
摘要:初中语文教学中审美情感教育是不可缺少的内容。借助语文教材中丰富的人文地理知识、优秀的文学作品、多样化的阅读写作练习等,循序渐进地提高学生审美能力,这对于学生未来的学习和成长都非常有帮助。本文就以初中语文教学为内容,对其中审美情感教育的开展进行几点讨论。   关键词:初中语文;审美教育;审美情感  中图分类号:G633.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2019)02-0
胎儿面部检查是高危妊娠超声检查的重要内容,二维超声能对部分面部畸形做出诊断, 近年来,三维超声在产科领域的应用日趋成熟,其表面成像清晰直观.本文就三维超声检查胎儿体表