
来源 :价格与市场 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pearlpink
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根据陕西省物价局、卫生厅《医疗服务价格管理暂行办法》及《医疗服务项目价格(试行)》的规定,宝鸡市于2002 年9月开始对医疗服务价格进行改革,两年来的情况看,总体运行平稳,医疗收入有所增加,社会反映良好,加强了医疗服务价格管理,促进了医疗卫生事业的发展。 一、医疗服务价格改革的成效 总体上看,经过改革使价格管理方式灵活,医疗服务价格项目得以规范。并实行了分等定价。 According to the Provisions on the Price Management of Medical Services and the Price of Medical Services (Trial) issued by Price Bureau and Health Department of Shaanxi Province, Baoji City started to reform the medical service prices in September 2002. In the past two years, Overall stable operation, medical income has increased, the community reflects the good, strengthening the medical service price management, and promote the development of medical and health. First, the effectiveness of medical service price reform Overall, after the reform to make the price management flexible, medical services price items to be standardized. And the implementation of the graded pricing.
跳跃活动能增强幼儿腿部肌肉力量,发展幼儿的弹跳能力以及身体的灵敏性和协调能力,并提高耐力。中班幼儿的跳跃动作已经有了较好的发展,我们结合中班幼儿的年龄特点和实际水平,进一步规范双脚跳的动作要领。由易到难地创设系列游戏情景。使幼儿在每次游戏中都能获得有益的经验,逐步提高双脚跳的能力。    游戏情景一:小兔子夹棍跳——巩固双脚并拢跳的技能    在观察中我们发现,中班幼儿虽然知道双脚跳时应该双脚并齐
An ab initio molecular orbital study was performed to determine the effects of anions and cations on the π-complexation of C_2H_4 on MX(M=Ag, Cu; X=F, Cl). The
周政办[2009]61号各县(市、区)人民政府,市人民政府各部门:《周口市安全生产“三项行动”实施方案》、已经市政府同意,现印发给你们,请认真组织实施。 Zhou Zheng Ban [2009
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X-ray crystal structures of co-crystals involving tetra-iso-butyl-resorcin[4]arene 1 with both acetone and acetonitrile solvents were reported. The component 1?
本文主要分析了石油价格及成品油价格上涨给中国造成的通胀压力和经济增长压力,进而推测中央政府为减轻压力而将会采取的应对政策。 This article mainly analyzes inflatio