
来源 :固体电子学研究与进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:syzy3106jiege
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When a non-uniformly distributed light falls on the non-uniformly distributed semiconductor (eg. pn junction), pairs of electron-hole excited by photons will evolve into a distribution of transverse electric potential, besides forming an ordinary vertical migration. Assuming a one-dimensional model for the above condition, we can obtain a differential equation for the transverse electric potential. After operating Laplace reform and leading boundary condition to the above formula, we can resolve the output photo-current collected by the two end-electrodes. The result shows the function relation between the transverse photocurrent and incident light spot position x on the sensitive surface indicating a new operating principle for the photoelectron position-sensitive detector. When a non-uniformly distributed light falls on the non-uniformly distributed semiconductor (eg. Pn junction), pairs of electron-hole excited by photons will evolve into a distribution of transverse electric potential, besides forming an ordinary vertical migration. we can resolve the output photo-current collected by the two end-electrodes. The -dimensional model for the above condition, we can obtain a differential equation for the transverse electric potential. result shows the function relation between the transverse photocurrent and incident light spot position x on the sensitive surface indicating a new operating principle for the photoelectron position-sensitive detector.
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随着新课程改革的不断深入,教师更加注重教学质量的提高,注重学生学习的成效。因此,构建初中语文高效课堂成为当务之急。那么,如何构建语文高效课堂呢?对此谈了看法。 With
1953年1月,杜鲁门在他的告别演说中说:“不论谁当总统,都必须做出决策。他不能把责任推卸给其他人。没有人能够代替他做决策,那是他的工作。” In January 1953, Truman sai