Progress of pyrene-based organic semiconductor in organic field effect transistors

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qtl8866
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Thanks to the pure blue emitting, high planarity, electron rich and ease of chemical modification, pyrene has been thoroughly investigated for applications in organic electronics such as organic light emitting diodes(OLEDs), organic field effect transistors(OFETs), and organic solar cells(OSCs). Especially, great progresses have been made of pyrene-based organic semiconductors for OFETs in past decades. Due to the difference of molecular structure, pyrene-based organic semiconductors are divided into three categories, pyrene as terminal group, pyrene as center core and fused pyrene derivatives. This minireview gives a brief introduction of the structure-property relationship and application in OFETs about most of pyrene-based semiconducting materials since 2006,illustrating that pyrene is a good building block to construct semiconductors with superior transport property for OFETs. Finally, we provide a summary concerning the methodology to improve the transport property of the pyrene-based semiconducting materials as well as an outlook. Thanks to the pure blue emitting, high planarity, electron rich and ease of chemical modification, pyrene has been thoroughly investigated for applications in organic electronics such as organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), organic field effect transistors (OFETs), and organic solar cells (OSCs). Especially, great progresses have been made of pyrene-based organic semiconductors for OFETs in past decades. Due to the difference of molecular structure, pyrene-based organic semiconductors are divided into three categories. Pyrene as terminal group, pyrene as center This minireview gives a brief introduction of the structure-property relationship and application in OFETs about most of pyrene-based semiconducting materials since 2006, indicating that pyrene is a good building block to construct semiconductors with superior transport property for OFETs Finally, we provide a summary concerning the methodology to improve the transport property of the pyrene-b ased semiconducting materials as well as an outlook.
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