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雷霆万钧剧情故事发生在美国的工业重镇芝加哥,时间是2054年。这部影片所描述的并不是什么机器人暴动、怪兽进攻、异形伤人之类的故事。而是描述在科学技术高度发达的数十年后,人们可以乘坐时空飞船穿越时空到达从前只能在自然和历史课上所讲到的神秘的白垩纪时代,并且,人们到那里已经不是单纯的科学考察之类的研究工作,而是已经达到了随意旅行观光的程度。然而,历史和大自然则用它们不可抗拒的力量给了无知的人类一次沉重的教训甚至是毁灭性的打击。一次,跨时空旅行队前往自垩纪时代观光途中,队员中的一名打猎者无意踩死了一只蝴蝶。可不要小看这只蝴蝶,它恰好处于人类发展进化链中的重要一环,它的死将在很大程度上影响甚至是毁灭整个人类以及人类辛辛苦苦世世代代所创下的文明伟业。幸亏这一事故被及时发现,于是,拯救人类的伟大行动便开始了。肇事的猎人特拉维斯爱德华·伯恩斯饰)、旅行队老板查理斯·哈顿(本·金斯利饰)以及穿越时空计算机的发明者女科学家索尼亚·兰德(凯瑟琳·迈考麦克饰)组成了这次拯救队伍的骨干。雷霆万钧背景电影根据布雷德里的科幻短篇名的科幻短篇名著改编而成。一家旅行社专为客户安排史前时代狩猎恐龙的冒险旅程,每一趟行程都是精心规划,侦察员会先确认恐龙即将死亡才送死亡才送乘客抵达,以免造成时空异变的突发状况。然而,不幸还是发生了,一名紧张的旅客踩死了一只蝴蝶,竟造成了难以挽回的连锁反应,令旅行队成员再也回不到他们原来所处的时代和生活环境。现在恐龙猎人向导与时光机器发明家必须联手及时阻止连锁反应扩散,否则将威胁到全人类的生存…… The story of the thunderbolt thunderbolt occurred in Chicago, the industrial city of the United States. The time was 2054. What this movie describes is not a story of robot riots, monster attacks, alien injuries and the like. Instead, it is described that after decades of highly advanced science and technology, people can travel through space-time spaceships to reach the mystical Cretaceous era that had previously only been taught in nature and history classes, and it is no longer purely for people to get there. Research studies such as scientific investigations have reached the level of casual travel and sightseeing. However, history and nature use their irresistible force to give ignorant humans a heavy lesson or even a devastating blow. On one occasion, the cross-temporal travel team traveled to the sights during the Cretaceous era. One of the team’s hunters did not intend to step on a butterfly. Do not underestimate this butterfly. It happens to be an important link in the evolutionary chain of human development. Its death will, to a large extent, affect even the destruction of the entire human race and the civilization that mankind has created through the hard work of generations. Fortunately, this accident was discovered in time, so the great action to save mankind began. Travis Edwards Burns, the hunter, voyage owner Charles Hatton, Ben Kingsley, and Sonia Rand, Catherine Maiko, inventor and inventor of the space-time computer Mike ornaments) formed the backbone of the rescue team. The thunderbolt background movie was adapted from Bradley’s short fiction short science fiction masterpiece. A travel agency is dedicated to arranging adventures for prehistoric dinosaur hunting. Each trip is carefully planned. Scouts will confirm that the dinosaurs are about to die before they are sent to passengers to avoid sudden changes in time and space. Unfortunately, unfortunately, a nervous traveler stepped on a butterfly and caused an irreversible chain reaction, so that members of the travel team could no longer return to their original era and living environment. Now dinosaur hunter guides and time machine inventors must join forces to stop the proliferation of chain reactions in a timely manner, otherwise it will threaten the survival of all humanity...
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