
来源 :现代口腔医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ahzhangxz
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患者,男,54岁。主因拔牙后头痛3天伴左侧肢体活动障碍1天来院。患者入院前1个月因右上颌后牙痛,到本村牙医处将(?)拔除。拔牙后患者渐觉头痛,以右侧为重,并伴恶心、嗜唾。入院前一天出现左侧肢体活动性障碍,逐来本院。近期无其它急性感染史。头颅CT示:右侧颞部脑组织有小片状低密度阴影。血常规:白细胞19.2×10~9/L,中性0.84,淋巴0.16。结合病史与查体,以“化脓性脑膜炎”收入神经内科。经给予抗感染治疗气10天后,复查头颅CT示:左颞部脑脓肿形 Patient, male, 54 years old. Mainly due to tooth extraction headache after 3 days with left limb movement disorders 1 day to hospital. One month prior to admission to the hospital due to right maxillary posterior toothache, to the village dentist will (?) Removal. After tooth extraction patients gradually headache, to the right as the most important, and with nausea, addicted to saliva. On the day before admission, left limb activity disorder appeared and came to our hospital. No other recent history of acute infection. Head CT showed: the right temporal brain tissue with small pieces of low-density shadow. Blood: white blood cells 19.2 × 10 ~ 9 / L, neutral 0.84, lymph 0.16. Combined with medical history and physical examination, with “purulent meningitis” income neurology. After given anti-infection treatment gas 10 days, review head CT showed: left temporal brain abscess
从低温热水地板辐射采暖的发展及材料的应用,说明地热采暖的注意问题等。 From the development of low-temperature hot water floor radiant heating and the application
小朋友和小动物在玩影子游戏,他们做出了不同的动作,你知道他们的影子会是什么样子吗从本期《启蒙》赠送的小粘 Children and animals playing shadow games, they made dif
1991年3月我科收治1例右下颌骨角化囊肿伴有右侧多发性肢体表皮样囊肿的病例,提示二者在发生起源方面可能存在某种联系。现报道如下。 患者,女,34岁。因右侧下颌区逐渐膨隆
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每一个1960年代成长的人,几乎会记得情景喜剧《豪门新人类》里的经典台词:“德克萨斯茶是黑金。”尽管不如Jed Clampet的黑金赚得多(解释给那些没看过该节目的人听,这里指俚
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