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进入21世纪以来,电子商务在国际贸易中的应用越来越广泛,不仅出现了一些电子商务巨头企业,而且传统国际贸易企业也纷纷开展电子商务活动。从我国对外贸易情况来看,电子商务的应用带来了对外贸易主体更加多元化、交易方式更灵活且交易成本更低、经营模式与营销方法完全改变、可以更好地应对贸易壁垒等显著变化,深刻地影响着对外贸易的发展。与此同时,电子商务在我国外贸发展过程中也存在企业缺乏现代电子商务理念、电子商务环境不完善、技术支撑不足等问题。应该从政府、企业、技术三个层面进一步推进对外贸易发展中的电子商务应用。政府层面重点要健全相关法律体系、完善国际电子商务交易市场、加强人才培养;企业层面关键是要树立强烈的电子商务意识、改进外贸企业管理模式、建立更加人性化的客户管理体系;技术层面则是要加强电子商务网络基础建设、解决电子支付等安全问题。 Since the 21st century, the application of e-commerce in international trade has become more and more widespread. Not only do some e-commerce giant enterprises appear, but also traditional international trade enterprises have launched their e-commerce activities. From the perspective of China’s foreign trade, the application of e-commerce has brought about a diversification of foreign trade entities, more flexible transaction methods and lower transaction costs, complete changes in business models and marketing methods, and better response to such significant changes in trade barriers , Profoundly affected the development of foreign trade. At the same time, e-commerce also has problems such as the lack of modern e-commerce concepts, the imperfect e-commerce environment and insufficient technical support during the course of China’s foreign trade. The application of e-commerce in the development of foreign trade should be further promoted from the three levels of government, enterprises and technologies. At the governmental level, it is necessary to improve relevant legal systems, improve the international electronic commerce market and strengthen personnel training. The key to the enterprise level is to establish a strong sense of e-commerce, improve the management mode of foreign trade enterprises and establish a more humane customer management system. At the technical level, It is necessary to strengthen the infrastructure of e-commerce networks and solve security problems such as electronic payment.
将具有木质纤维素降解能力的菌剂,接种到以牛粪和水稻秸秆为材料的堆肥中,通过测定温度、p H值、C/N、种子发芽率、NH4+-N、NO3ˉ-N相关指标,考察了接种菌剂堆肥和自然堆肥腐
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