加强基层基础 夯实刑侦根基

来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunshixi2009
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加强刑侦基层基础是指基层侦查破案的主体建设,刑侦专门手段建设和相关基础业务建设。基层侦查破案的主体是基层刑警大队,战斗实体是责任区刑警队和专业中队;侦查破案的专门手段是刑事技术、刑事特情和技侦手段;侦查破案的基础业务是犯罪信息资料、刑嫌调控和阵地控制。侦查破案的主体、手段和业务建设,是刑侦工作的三大基石。刑侦基层基础工作与斗争形势尚有差距,必须把加强基层基础建设作为改革发展刑侦工作的战略任务来抓 Strengthening the basic level of criminal investigation refers to the grass-roots detection and detection of the main construction, criminal investigation and construction of specialized tools and related basic business. The main body of investigation and detection at the grassroots level is the grassroots police unit and the fighting entity is the criminal team and professional squadron in the area of ​​responsibility. The special measures for investigating and solving crimes are the criminal techniques, criminal special conditions and means of technical investigation. The basic business of investigating and solving crimes is criminal information materials, Control and position control. The main body, means and business construction of the investigation and detection of crimes are the three cornerstones of criminal investigation work. There is still a gap between the basic work of criminal investigation at the grassroots level and the situation in the struggle. We must take the strengthening of basic infrastructure as a strategic task of reforming and developing criminal investigation.
1 仅就戏剧艺术领域而论,现实主义(或现实主义的戏剧艺术)起码具有三种形态或称三大体系,这就是现实主义——“完全的现实主义”(或称内外平衡兼顾的现实主义)——心理现实
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