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人们总是看到成功者光鲜的一面,而忽略了创业过程的艰辛。创业对一个人的综合素质要求是全方位的,创业之前,一定要认识自己的优缺点,准备充足,如果靠一腔热血一时冲动去创业,往往碰到困难就退却。而人生的道路有千百条,创业只是其中一条,每个人只有找到自己的定位,才能找到属于自己的成功之道。谁是蔡文胜蔡文胜在2000年互联网泡沫破裂时才进入互联网领域,投资域名并获得巨大成功,前后售出多个价值百万的域名,目前手上持有的域名估计上千万元。 People always see the glorious side of the success, ignoring the hardships of the entrepreneurial process. Entrepreneurship on the overall quality of a person’s requirements are comprehensive, and before starting a business, we must recognize their own strengths and weaknesses, adequate preparation, if impulse to rely on a burst of enthusiasm to start a business, often encountered difficulties to retreat. The road to life, there are hundreds of entrepreneurship is just one of them, everyone only find their own position, in order to find their own success. Who is Cai Wensheng Cai Wensheng entered the Internet field when the Internet bubble burst in 2000, invested in domain names and achieved great success, before and after the sale of several million-dollar domain names, and the domain names currently held are estimated to be tens of millions of yuan.
一位文学青年在特殊岁月的传奇经历,一部手抄本小说的广为流传,一段令人费解的文坛冤案。《〈第二次握手〉:从手抄本到畅销书》将披露其中的奥秘。 A literary youth in a s
20世纪的中国历史是从“门户开放”到改革开放的历史。前者是自己腐败无能,衰老失禁,被强盗破门而人,抢劫一空的历史;后者是自觉体弱多病,主动寻药求医的历史。 The 20th c
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风雨送春归,飞雪迎春到。在人类辞别旧世纪、跨入新千年的急促脚步声中,迎来了《中国建材》杂志20周年。  20年前,伴随着共和国改革开放的春风,《中国建材》杂志应运而生了,尽管
This paper mainly introduces about how to use socket to design network program which can transfer data in different network platform in terms of TCP/IP Network
CANE GUN手杖枪,a walking stick or cane havine a bore from which a projectile may be fired.The handle carries the trigger mechanism,the trigger being concealed