
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangyang062011
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Objective:To determine normal concentrations of procalcitonin in preterm infants shortly after birth and to assess its accuracy in detecting bacterial infection. Methods:Blood samples of 100 preterm infants were prospectively drawn during the first 4 days of life for determination of procalcitonin concentration. Infants were classified into four groups according to their sepsis status.Results:Mean (SD) gestational age and birth weight were 32(2.9) weeks and 1682 (500) g respectively. A total of 283 procalcitonin concentrations from healthy infants were plotted to construct nomograms of physiologically raised procalcitonin concentration after birth,stratified by two groups to 24-30 and 31-36 weeks gestation. The peak 95th centile procalcitonin concentration was plotted at 28 hours of age; values return to normal after 4 days of life. Only 12 infants were infected,and 13 of their 16 procalcitonin concentrations after birth were higher than the 95th centile,whereas samples taken at birth were lower.In a multivariable analysis,gestational age,premature rupture of membrane,and sepsis status influenced procalcitonin concentration independently,but maternal infection status did not.Conclusions:The suggested neonatal nomograms of preterm infants are different from those of term infants. Procalcitonin concentrations exceeding the 95th centile may be helpful in detecting congenital infection,but not at birth. Objective: To determine normal concentrations of procalcitonin in preterm infants shortly after birth and to assess its accuracy in detecting bacterial infection. Methods: Blood samples of 100 preterm infants were prospectively drawn during the first 4 days of life for determination of procalcitonin concentration. Infants were All of the 283 procalcitonin concentrations from healthy infants were plotted to construct nomograms of physiologically raised procalcitonin concentration after birth, stratified by two groups to 24-30 and 31-36 weeks gestation. The peak 95th centile procalcitonin concentration was plotted at 28 hours of age; values ​​return to normal after 4 days of life. Only 12 infants were infected, and 13 of their 16 procalcitonin concentrations after birth were higher than the 95th centile, while samples taken at birth were lower. In a multivariable analysis, gestational age, premature rupture of membrane, and sepsis status influenced procalcitonin concentration independently, but maternal infection status did not. Conclusions: The suggested neonatal nomograms of preterm infants are different from those of term infants. Procalcitonin concentrations exceeding the 95th centile may be helpful in detecting congenital infection, but not at birth.
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正确、合理地选用灭火器,是有效扑灭初起火灾,减少火灾损失的关键。 在选择灭火器时除应按《建筑灭火器配置设计规范》要求计算确定外,还要考虑以下因素: 1、保护对象的火灾危险性
第一条 探伤仪器及附属电气设备线路要绝缘良好,外壳应可导靠接地。检修时,应先切断电源。 第二条 射线探伤操作人员,必须穿戴防护用品和定期检查身体。 第三条 射线探伤工
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